Sea Life Aquarium Arizona

This past weekend my family and I were treated to a behind the scenes look at the newest sea member of the Sea Life Aquarium here in Arizona. The aquarium recently “adopted” a green sea turtle by the name of Ziva who was rescued in Florida. We were met by the bodacious and bubbly Kelly who is the marketing coordinator who graciously welcomed our extra stowaway for the trip, my father-in-law who is staying with us, and courteously whisked us into the children’s play area. Only moments later were we greeted yet again by a most upbeat member of the Sea Life staff who escorted us to our viewing room to learn about Ziva and her arrival to the aquarium.

We were split into groups as we were guided to the tank where we could look in on Ziva as she swam and swam around waiting to be released into her new habitat to swim free of human harm and predatory actions. You see the sea turtle is a often harmed by boats propeller’s, as is Ziva’s case, and fishing nets and lines. Additionally, littering of plastic grocery bags also mimic jellyfish which are a delicacy for sea turtles. The turtles will choke on the bags due to the floating, translucent bags appearing to be a jellyfish.

Once guided into the tank area we scaled the steps to the top of the tank on the catwalk and peered in to take a good look at Ziva. She is adorable! I wanted to touch her as her skin was very silky smooth looking and her poor shell had some extra “upgrades” to help her swim. Due to her incident with a boat, she experienced a collapsed lung which results in a bouie effect making swimming a daunting task for the little turtle. But she paddled around while everyone looked in on her.

Then the moment finally arrived after everyone received their turn to view the young sea turtle where she was set free into the giant tank to swim about with her fellow aquatic kin.

My kids had a blast, all the interactive games, displays for touch and feel, the learning kiosks, stations, and exhibits to stop and learn about all the fun aquatic life in the sea. My father in law also enjoyed himself, bless his heart for tagging along, we were highly informed by Dirk the aquatic curator who told us about sea turtles, how long they live and how big they get. Such a blast to learn about this amazing creature at the aquarium.

This is the second Sea Life Aquarium the kids have visited. In 2010 we visited the Carlsbad, CA aquarium location attached to Lego Land where the kids saw the sharks that they saw here in Tempe and they were able to touch real sea life such as sea sponges and sea stars to feel the different textures and appreciate all that the Sea Life Aquariums have to offer with sea life conservation and environmental awareness.

Have you visited either aquariums or a local aquarium in your area? What are your kids favorite animals when visiting local attractions and exhibits such as these?




Karie Is

Funny how life turns on her axis. While sitting at my desk today pondering my spreadsheets, making a difference in people’s lives by saving one home at a time, and pilfering through my emails I made the decision to be distracted by my personal email. A reprieve from the sometimes mundane. I received a friendly giggly email from my blog pal Tanya and couldn’t resist not reading what she had to say. Voldermort clearly struck again in the hearts of the wizards of blog land as they bewitched their readers with their words, Voldermort was back at her evil work again.

So I took sides in the battle of good versus the developmentally challenged. I cannot help myself, I am like a moth to a flame when it comes to this sort of juicy bits. You see a good mom who goes about with her wit and snark is in this cool little contest for a little well known Detroit car company. I couldn’t help but to root for these deserving moms, I always favor someone who lacks a reputation for drama, bullshit, and coercion. She mentions the wrong doings of Voldermort, which I cannot deny is not out of her character by any stretch of the imagination. No one needs to know her personally that her repertoire for being a spoiled rotten bitch crying wolf is par for the course. Oh I digress. But I comment to root her on that she was wronged and I commend her for standing up, taking the high road, and not lying down with the event.

Where am I going on this post, well and that’s the beauty of my ramblings; is being called a bully. I laugh at someone who is at the achievement level of an eighth grader and dares to call me a bully for supporting a mom who won’t tolerate the same shit I refuse to tolerate, but this less than an eighth grader educated, rambles on with his hate, for everything.  I mean to read the Twitter stream I need to smoke a bowl just to relax because this dolt of a human being spews vomit and rehash of mutton. Nothing spoken is an original thought…and I truly pity that the lack of genuine thought for any person to not be a true individual. Oh my digression again…

But I have been called a bully…not once. Not Twice. Over a dozen times, so far as this fuckhead went to call me a racist. I wanted to come unglued on that hammering from him and just did…using vile terms does not make me a racist. Being a racist makes you a racist. Me, just a biggot at best to fuck-tards, morons, idiots, cocksuckers, oxygen thieves and the like. Albeit you could call me an equal opportunity individual with the lack of patience for the mentally developed. In basic terms for those who lack logic and reason:

I am bold, honest, and do not deal with bullshit well. I call shots where shots need to be called. I speak truths that often make people very, very uncomfortable. These truths are often the thoughts of the weak of heart and mind, because God for fucking bid we all have an honest, straightforward, no question in what the hell is happening conversation.

Copyright of (2012)

I am fierce.

And so I intimidate people with my intelligence, my ability to be forthright, be honest, in not sugar coating anything nor blowing smoke up your ass. If that makes me a bully then they need to add to their definition my goddamn name and the fact that I am pretty stinking awesome for not letting anyone walk on and or drive a bus over me.

Copyright of (2012)

Please explain how the above even correlate to “bully” or being a bully.

Copyright of (2012)

Because I hold myself to a high standard of communication and transparency as not to stab people in the back and act childish? That makes me a bully? Because I do not tolerate the rantings of someone of the male gender that doesn’t understand basic second grade grammar of to, too, there, their, and they’re? Because I am not afraid to use the word wetback? If that makes me a bully for being bold, rich with my words and colorful with my slang then you deserve to be weak, lack virtue, morality, standards and honesty. Never for one minute will I dote on anyone in a fashion that is passive aggressive and is not direct with my actions or words and if you don’t like me for it…oh, fucking, well. At least I do not exsanguinate on my wife for her “blog earnings & success” like a pimp…aka bully.

Scent Design Custom Create Your Fragrance

How do you win over the one you love at the holidays? You design a fragrance and or scent that is completely exotic, intriguing, and above all totally personal.

Some women really don’t know what their favorite scents are, but some of my favorite are sandalwood, vanilla, black raspberry, patchouli, almond and citrus. I love warm scents and Scent Design offers a few of these amazing scents for you to create your own perfect, custom oil fragrance. Choose from their vast fragrance list to help you craft your ideal perfume or cologne for your loved one. Each fragrance is listed based on the top note and scent, men’s or women’s, and you can add the special touch of a scent you often find in your luxury fragrances.

Let me not bore you with the details of scents as you learn more about Scent Design:

Scent Design was launched in the summer of 2006, but the idea is much older. After working at a bath and body shop for a few years, I saw a service that was there, yet wasn’t being brought to it’s logical conclusion.
‘Fragrance Bars’ as they are called, have been around since 1970, yet they are hard to find and only tend to exist in some pretty exclusive areas. After searching around the internet to see if I was the only one with this idea, it looked like I was on to something big.

So now that you know you can create your own scent, they are totally unique, exotic, and remarkably irreplaceable why not enter to win a $50 Gift Certificate to create your own scent with Scent Design here is how you can enter to win:

  • Tell me your favorite scent, is it warm, cool, refreshing or what is your significant other’s favorite scent or what do you like to smell on them. Visit Scent Design and choose from their wide array of scents and pre-made designs.
  • Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Tweet this giveaway daily for more chances to win, just make sure you link to the post and @Kariewithak for credit
  • Fan The Fish on Facebook (worth 2 entries if you are already a fan, worth 5 for first time fans)
  • Promote this giveaway on Facebook
  • Leave a comment on any non giveaway post (worth 2 entries)
  • Blog this giveaway (worth 5 entries)
  • Subscribe to my feed and or add me to your reader

Contest ends November 20th midnight Arizona Time

As always: No Purchase Necessary, available to US and Canada residents. One entry per household. US postcard entries also acceptable if you do not have access to the above entry options, no limit to postcard entries as long as all are received before the close of the contest, email for your postcard entry details or to use email as your postcard entrance as these entries will be logged by the administrator of the blog. Winners will be chosen by “And the Winner is” Failure to adhere to the aforementioned rules set forth by this contest will result in forfeiture of your entry with no notice. Facebook does not promote, endorse, nor sponsor this review and giveaway and will be held harmless. As always, good luck and enjoy.

Roku2 Streaming Players – Gift Ideas for Him

Roku 2 was a foreign name in my household. I was told about Roku at work by a co-worker when we engaged in a conversation about Netflix, cable, and the insane costs to maintain cable. From there I did not hear mention again and disregarded our conversation. However, our family took huge cuts to our budget and eliminate frivolous spending. With that we began to research alternative options to cable and I stumbled across the Roku box and the options and streaming channels with Roku.

Not knowing what it is about I asked to review the Roku2 XS for my husband. We love it. The amount of streaming channels, Netflix, and let’s not forget the full blown edition of Angry Birds, this gadget is great for him and the entire family. In addition to the streaming from Netflix, catch all your live sports, UFC fights (my husband’s favorite), music from Pandora, scroll through your pictures on Flickr, entertain the kids with Disney, movies on Crackle, choice of your favorite shows on Hulu Plus, the options are endless.

In addition to all the cool streaming options and channels, is the full blown edition of Angry Birds. This feeds an addicts urge to slaughter some pigs with those angry birds. Hours of fun to be had!

The setup for the Roku box is the most simple; plug and play, and no need for any fancy or complex remotes and installation instructions. You probably want to go out and buy an HDMI cable for those of you who want your HD like we do, so that is the only additional cost to the box. My husband did all the setup while I was at work and I was blown away at how little this device is, yet how powerful. So not only is it energy efficient, it does not take up a lot of space, it also has the smallest energy footprint, using less than 2 Watts when you’re watching a movie. That’s less power than a nightlight. 15 times less than a DVR. And 60 times less than a popular game console (, 2011). A selling factor for this green family when considering purchases for our household.

If you are looking for the perfect gift for him, her, or the entire family the Roku2 is a great gift for any and every member of the family. Prices start at $59.99 and was revered as a CNET best for 2011. For more details visit the Roku site.

The Dog Who Saved Halloween

The Five Fish is excited to share with you on this Halloween the review and giveaway of The Dog Who Saved Halloween. For parents you will be happy to hear a flashback of child star names; Joey Lawrence and Mayim Bialik our favorite brother and sister duo from TV’s Blossom.

Everyone’s favorite four-legged friend Zeus (voiced by Joey Lawrence) and the Bannisters are back in The Dog Who Saved Halloween, an all-new adventure jam-packed with family-friendly thrills and chills! When George, Belinda and their kids Kara and Ben Bannister move into a new house – just in time for Halloween! – everything seems to be fine…until they notice eerie glowing lights and strange sounds coming from their neighbor’s house where creepy Mr. Cole (Lance Henriksen) lives with his protective pooch Medusa (voiced by Mayim Bialik). When a black cat suddenly goes missing, George Bannister (Gary Valentine) insists on investigating the matter himself – and ultimately enlists an odd yet familiar pair (Dean Cain, Joey Diaz) to help. But after the trio and Belinda Bannister (Elisa Donovan) get trapped inside the spooky house, it’s once again up to Zeus to save the day (Anchor Bay Entertainment & Grand Communications, 2011)!

My kids loved this movie, not only for celebrating Halloween and the upcoming holidays, but everyone loves a super hero and a dog all in one.  Lots of laughs and slap stick fun in this family favorite. Add it to your family’s holiday collection of movies this Halloween and in time for Christmas where you can celebrate this holiday favorite all year round.

Here is how you can win a copy for your kids this Halloween Day:

  • Leave a comment telling me what your kids are dressing up for this Halloween or what is your favorite part of Halloween.
  • Like this movie on Facebook and follow on Twitter @DogHalloween
  • Like the The Fish on Facebook (Worth 3 entries)
  • Post/Share this giveaway on Facebook (Leave the link for verification)
  • Follow my blog
  • Follow me on Twitter @KariewithaK
  • Tweet this giveaway for daily entries: Celebrate fun all year enter to win @dogHalloween The Dog Who Saved Halloween with @Kariewithak & The Five Fish
  • Blog about this giveaway (Worth 5 entries, leave the link)
  • Subscribe to my feed via email or to your reader (verified by email)

Contest ends Friday November 17th at midnight Arizona time.

As always: No Purchase Necessary, available to US and Canada residents. One entry per household. US postcard entries also acceptable if you do not have access to the above entry options, no limit to postcard entries as long as all are received before the close of the contest, email for your postcard entry details or to use email as your postcard entrance as these entries will be logged by the administrator of the blog. Winners will be chosen by “And the Winner is” Failure to adhere to the aforementioned rules set forth by this contest will result in forfeiture of your entry with no notice. Facebook does not promote, endorse, nor sponsor this review and giveaway and will be held harmless. As always, good luck and enjoy.

My Bout with Cervical Cancer

Sharing my story about cervical cancer awareness, HPV awareness. Today was a day like any other. With the small exception of I crested the six month mark. Most of my family does not know with the exception of my husband, sister, father-in-law, my mother (for what it’s worth that she knows) and my kids, that I just hit the six month mark to check if my cancer has returned. Now some of you may be thinking, well she looks perfectly damn healthy, she tweets, works, and she has made no mention. All of which is true, true, true and leads me to writing this post.

In April I went to the doctor to have my annual check-up, a look under the hood per se to see that my girl’s engine was still running at capacity and even after the twins seemed to have done her in, she was looking good. Your normal run of the mill trip, blah blah vagina, birth control (since my periods suck), explaining that my husband had a vasectomy so really birth control is for vanity not sanity, standard procedures. Until I did not get my results back. I waited and waited and thought, fuck it, no news is good news and then my doctor’s office receptionist called me on the phone. While I was driving to my sisters. With two sick kids in the car. Fabulous. Taken back by what the hell was going on, the call was very abrupt and went something like this, “Karie Herring? Yes, Hi we need to schedule your biopsy.”


I wasn’t quite sure how to respond. My initial fight or flight reaction was, what the fuck are you talking about biopsy, get me the doctor you stupid twit. Wanting someone who had more than a GED delivering details to me about my health,  I was too stunned to make such demands. I told her I would call back I was in the car and asked to get more details, she matter of factly stated, “Your condition is serious, you need to get this handled, do not delay on calling us back.”

Fuck you do not delay, bitch tell me what the fuck this is, why do I need a biopsy. Blessed be for smart phones, while I am distraught and attempting to Google my condition, the emotions and epiphany hits me. Then the results are displayed on my phone. I am a mess. Eyes are burning and welling with tears, struggling to find a breath to fight them back, then immediately questioning my mortality. My mental state of emotional wreck and composure is off and on like this for the following 20 minutes before arriving at my sisters where she has been so kind to take my kids since they were sick and could not be at school the remainder of the day. I drop off my kids and begin my drive back to work. Focused and composed, crying and clueless, for 45 minutes until I re-enter the parking garage, straighten myself and head back into work. Wanting to do nothing but leave and Google all there is to know I suffer through the next two hours before heading back to my sisters to retrieve my kids. Not until I get home do I just about fall apart to my husband, rock, best friend about my news.

The eternal optimist reassures me everything will be fine. Being the eternal realist, I disregard his words and off to Google I go. Spending hours on my laptop and researching biopsies, abnormal paps and the worst case scenarios I am at ease and pissed off again. An emotional roller coaster of guessing games brought on from the dipshit that called me who has a better chance of taking a drive through order minus pickles than disseminating information regarding women’s health. I am infuriated that the doctor did not call me. Casting aside my disdain I set out to make my biopsy appointment and did so within a few weeks.

Biopsies suck. Preparedness is key. Bring drugs; Tylenol, Advil, Pamprin, whatever your poison bring it because I would have rather had my C-Section sans drugs than to go through this biopsy. I was placed on the exam table in the standard stirrup position. Then the butcher went to work on my cervix, what felt like carving as she kept “going in”, as if deep sea diving. A mess again and no one is talking me through this except my sister, holding my hand so I can keep from punching someone as I endure the pain being inflicted. 20 minutes of cervical torture to tell me that I need to have another procedure, like a biopsy they said, so they can be sure they have treated me. Treated me for what exactly. I hammered away questions, what the hell is this, what did you find, what the fuck is going on and why are you keeping me in the dark? Question upon question comes with no answers. I am pissed. I begin to walk out, in pain and pissed, ready to deal harm like no ones business when drive-thru girl yells out to me, “Ma’am!! Ma’am! You have to make your appointment?”

Call me the poltergeist as I spun around to growl at the twit, “Am I not allowed to leave unless I make an appointment?” Her meek reply, ” Well…no” to which I fired back at her, “I will fucking call you, I need to leave and you need to not waste anymore of my time.”

I was hot. As far as hot messes go…hell hath no fury. My sister and I bantered about the event and I was completely dissatisfied with the ordeal. I went about with life, ignoring, diddling, going about the usual. Until I received a disturbing phone call at work where the doctor asked why I didn’t want to take anti-depressants for my fucked up periods. Dumbfounded at her recent call to psychiatry I ask what her specialty is again, gynecology. Great, thanks. How is this relevant to your mining in my vagina and at my cervix. At that time she explains my condition without explaining my condition. Her response, “You have severe dysplasia, known as CIN3 and without the procedure I cannot go into the details about cancer.”

Okay you drop the C-word on me, won’t explain anything. Let’s take inventory. I begin to grill her and get details, wanting to know more she refuses to tell me  until I schedule a consultation. What exactly are you going to consult me. I want answers not a fucking remodel of my vagina and cervix. Refusing me information, I refused her the consultation and the procedure. I advised her I needed more details about my condition and her “procedure.” Of which she sends me in the mail, two weeks later, what appears to be a pamphlet similar to a time share. Limited, vague, unanswered. Google here I come. So I am revisiting Google again with a detailed phrase: CIN3. Again, greeted with my mind reducing my mortality. She dropped the word cancer but did so to instill fear, a fear that I now find to be real. The reality that I have a form of cancer. I Google stalked the terms and what exactly I was afflicted with which is cancer that has not invaded my soft tissue and at this time is localized. $49.99 later…thank you Cox Communications and Google for the answers. I digress. But now I have answers and more questions. A few weeks later I get a call yet again at my office from the doctor. Infuriated by her persistence to yield a buck but not answer questions I fire the half wit and tell her she has failed to disclose and fully comply with my requests and she is incompetent and money hungry.

Finding another doctor takes me no time. I am in the office within a week, and I verbally barrage the new doctor with my situation, my ordeal with the dipshit who wouldn’t answer my questions no matter how many times I angled it, and I angled it, I worked in sales for many years, objections were non-existent to me. Coming up for air I let my knew doctor speak, who confirms my self education about my diagnosis. The burning in my eyes starts again but I fight it, holding my composure because I have with me the husband. My protector, the mighty and valiant knight. He then digs, investigates, questions, more answers, answers that make sense. Finally, the last question, “If the procedure does not clear all the cancer within the ranges what are our next steps?” Leading me to just about go over the edge as my jaw burns from fighting back the tears and the lip quiver leading into a full blown crying episode. Oncologists, specialists, and the reassurance of I will not let you die young comes out. Strangely I am at ease. Within another two weeks I am back in the office for a LEEP procedure which was easier than the biopsy but worse for the senses.

A few short days later I am advised that my pathology report has already come back and everything looks good. The LEEP appears to have cut away the cancerous tissues. Which segues into today, my six month check up, run of the mill pap smear with the hopes and prayers that I am still cancer free. While I am not free from HPV, the cancer is what was of imminent concern. I will share more about HPV, who has it, who can get it and how it can affect you. It affected me without me knowing, no symptoms and with it altering my life forever. I just know that my actions of going completely organic almost 4 years ago is my pro-action in my attempt to prevent cancer in myself and my kids. It can happen anytime and to anyone and I am thankful each day for this happening to me, for the opportunity to share and learn with and for others. How has cancer touched your life?

How to avoid food poisoning

So this last week I was sent to Atlanta, Georgia for work.

You can see the details and ME here.

But what I can tell you is how you can avoid food poisoning which is by avoiding the famed Taco Mac restaurant. Curse you Taco Mac and your 130 beers on tap and your buffalo wings. But those cursed wings are what made me ill. Next time I am in Atlanta, I will be avoiding Taco Mac, sad….they were so good going down.

The Magic of a Blog

I have had my blog for many years now and during my ages of virtual verbiage and prophetic stories of motherhood that be told, I never once believed the magic to be lost. Where one day my Peter Pan syndrome of writings and ramblings of the inter-webs would eventually lose the lustre.

My children are growing and with their seemingly ageless passing of time, only so sadly marked by yet another wrinkle, another yawn, and an additional candle to extinguish I grow weary and sad with my online friend. I would retreat to her and share my woes, my triumphs, but now I find her and wonder what to say, what to share, where to start, what matters, and I ask myself why share. My magic will be lost.

How can the magic be lost though in sharing a story? No longer will the experience be mine to have and cherish but a commercial experience to share with random strangers who may revel in similar events or can relate. No longer will my memory in life be mine, be special, but it will be read, rehashed, scrutinized, or tossed by the wayside.

My magic is lost. I no longer miss coming to my old friend, finding my words was like water when the faucet was twisted on, they would flow, no longer will the words come. I question if this is my age, the lack of lustre for my online friend, stress, missed chances, or that I simply ran out of magic fairy dust, or maybe I simply ran out of lame motherhood stories of ass wipings and whine feasts.

Yet the words still flow, even if pointless, meaningless and nothingness they are something to me, to someone, they are true and felt which is what I have always prided with my blog. Raw, pure, honest, no bullshit, no fluff, and those qualities are what have driven away readers and engaged them all the same. Maybe, just maybe my unbridled magic for the blog will return, or maybe my fairy blog-mother will come and get me ready for the ball again.

Not easy being Green

USDA Organic, organic, Karie Herring, thefivefish.comMom’s and folks galore find the most amazing topics in life to argue about. Stout opposition. Blatant bullshit. Mindless minutiae. But let’s get to the brass tax of some largely misunderstood and widely misrepresented information. The Green Movement. Even more so, the whole organic movement and the stout opposition to HFCS (high fructose corn syrup) among mommy bloggers.

But a lot of folks are mislead or are completely uneducated about organic, certified organic, certified free trade, USDA certified organic, heirloom and the like. The business and marketing about organic is confusing to the layman and its marketing and a lifestyle choice to those who fully embrace, understand, and know the true meaning of going green and choosing organic. Let’s place a bit of fact or fiction regarding organic, buying organic, what organic really means, and exploring the full realm of the Big O and what the general public is probably not fully aware surrounding our friends at the USDA.

FACT  or FICTION? : The top foods you should buy when buying organic are milk, meats, produce, and grains.


Organic is a lifestyle. PERIOD. Much like dieting, smoking, drinking, whatever your vice, choosing to purchase USDA Certified Organic foods is a LIFESTYLE choice. Suggesting to buy specific items is sheer bullshit. However, you can find a fantastic list of items that are believed to be the dirtiest (riddled with pesticides and considered high on the GMO list) in your produce section on this article by CNN and you can also read it on the great not for profit site. Furthermore, take a good look at organic and standard produce. If you love your California avocados and are willing to buy them at 2 for $1.00 when in season, by all means. But don’t stray away from your organic either. Take a gander, are the prices comparable? If so, then the investment is worth the small price difference.  But if the price difference is rather considerable, then hold off until the item is in season or buy standard. Again a pure choice. Organic is reasonably priced due to the fact that the items are harvested when they are in season, much like when your flowers bloom and based on the location of the farm with the season. When in doubt though, buy US produce as the cost will be a bit less due to the fact less travel was associated with the delivery.

FACT or FICTION: Milk should always be bought organic because of all the hormones?


Again a matter of lifestyle. However, many dairy farmers are pushing that they are not using hormones or are hormone free because of the startling study found by researchers that these hormones are being carried into more than just milk. But into our bodies and our children which is believed to induce premature puberty in young girls and androgyny in some of our boys. Furthermore, with the recent events in Japan, be wary of your “California Cows” or those from the Pacific area since radiation is first found in milk of cows from the grass they eat….that goes for Organic too. Moooo-ve on over Pacific and Pacific Northwest.

FACT or FICTION? : There is only one organic.


The truth of the matter is that everything is organic. *gasp! Yes, we are all “organic” material, made of matter and the like. CERTIFIED Organic, the big green you see above, is delegated into several different categories and let me just paint the picture so you understand how each applies to just a few of the different delegations of the “organic” umbrella:

  • Certified Organic – this can be QAI and USDA certified. Both of these require rigorous and in depth investigation of the farms, the product, the water source, the cleanliness, the soil testing. Not a stone goes unturned in these certifications. However, the USDA is rather more intense requiring a farm to be clean for a minimum of five years during review. The soil, water, produce, the entire farm is tested to make sure it is clean of pesticides, hormones and additives. A farm generally has to be clean longer than this time in order for the life cycle of pesticides to die off, if they ever. Furthermore, rigorous maintenance and fees are applied for being USDA certified. Not to mention the handling on these farms is not your standard handling which is why the costs may be realized to be higher. But you are what you eat right?
  • Heirloom – I could live and breathe heirloom if allowed. Heirloom is exactly what it sounds like. These are seeds and produce passed down from generations. You will see a good portion of EU (European Union) countries have heirloom produce. Native Americans here in North America have heirloom seeds and produce. Heirloom produce is open pollinated and are a hybrid. By hybrid, these seeds have naturally cross pollinated and albeit evolved through the ages. They are generally pesticide free and are not what a layman may consider a perennial or annual. These beauties are tasty, gorgeous, and unique all their own. What people do not realize is that seed producers and sellers generate seeds that only germinate once or maybe more but after that the fruit/produce becomes bitter due to the genetic engineering of these items. Which makes heirlooms all the more in demand.
  • Organic – just about anything can be called organic. It just cannot be called “certified” or you start getting into an ugly marketing and disclosure issue with the feds. Organic is a way of farming, period, and again everything is organic matter/material. So items can be considered under the “organic” umbrella in a range anywhere from 70 to 99% organic depending upon the ingredients and the way the ingredients are grown. However, in order to slap the old green seal of approval onto the foods you eat, those foods must have passed the rigorous testing of the USDA and the Organic Program which certifies that the farm is still an active clean farm from the water, the soil and the environment in which it operates. See all my aforementioned regarding the cleanliness of these farms and you can find more at the USDA Organic site.

Just know that Organic truly is a lifestyle. No one will look down their nose at you for the food choices you make, and if they do, well maybe they ought to look at their own lives before passing judgement on yours. Life is all about choices and as parents we try to make the best choices we can in life and as long as you can say you are doing what you can for your children and they are healthy, happy, productive people then what else can we ask for as parents. Like Kermit the Frog always said, “It’s not easy, being green.” Nor is life easy as a parent, when we brought our special packages home we were never given a manual for handling them, so we make our own rules and manual up as we go along all the while learning from our mistakes, because if we were all perfect, we would never know to learn.

Mom Sells Weapons of Mass Destruction

Recently I found a new calling in the employment realm. This has been a truly liberating change in fields and needless to say I rather find living on the edge to be totally sexy and intriguing. My new job, in addition to all my other career paths, is as an arms dealer. Yes. I kid you not. I deal with weapons of mass destruction.

You see these two WMD’s are probably the safest on the market as well. You can keep them in your home without permit and their expiration happens at around the age of 18. You avoid the whole fallout issue as you would with standard nukes, the 10 mile safety radius, cancer, however, these two do not come without a price. Their side effects include headache, exhaustion, sleepiness, irritability, agitation, the uncontrollable urge to curse, this is all the effect on you….but if you want to clear a room or destroy one, these two are the weapon of choice.

In fact, they are so powerful, we had to keep them behind bars.