Boost Computer Performance with System Mechanic, Iolo Technologies
*Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency. Click HERE!

Do you have a PC or IT geek in your life? Mine is my husband. Complete. Geek. He starts to talk PC or anything beyond simple OS (operating system) and something unrelated to HTML, blogging, finance, etc….he might as well be speaking a dead or foreign language.

I could not have been happier when I got his feedback for gift ideas and I was provided a copy of iolo technologies System Mechanic to install on our computers for review. I was happy to not know what it was until the geek told me. Seriously. Had no idea what this program does. Okay, supposedly it cleans off mumbo jumbo. I can do that. Highlight. Delete. Empty Recycle.

Not so much!
Geek Said: This program is great for boosting all your performance on your computer. Rather than freezing up the entire system like Windows is known to do it does it for you.
She Said: Okay great….why do I need an extra program?
Geek Said: Just download the program. Super easy, takes less than a minute.
(Downloaded in 90 seconds or less)
She Said: Really it was more than a minute. Now what? I don’t need any more garbage on my computer.
Geek Said: It is not garbage…very small installation file. Look, see your installation files and registry?
(If it isn’t bridal, baby, I have never seen a registry on my computer…won’t touch it….I’m dumb like that), Iolo TechnologiesGeek Said: Just run the system.
To your left is a picture of the start-up screen to scan your computer. It is fabulous! Now that I know what it does.
Geek Said: See, I found over a gig of system clutter, 254 registry problems, 14 unneeded startup processes, and easily backed up my registry.
She Said: (*crickets)
Geek Said: Just run the program.
She Said: FineSo I ran the program and guess what.
I actually also found as much clutter and crap and sludge to slow the performance of my computer as the geek did! Basically the System Mechanic acts like a lubricant would for a car or even just general maintenance, it smooths and speeds processes by keeping all your parts and components clean. (Yeah, I know more about cars than I do PC’s…go figure) Here is what else my geek said:
There is nothing I hate more than not having the right tool for the job that needs to be done. Trying to half ass a clamp with a pair of channel locks is just as annoying as trying to clean up or fix a PC without the right software. System Mechanic has been a favorite of mine for years and the new version 9 is just as awesome as ever.
I think he liked it? What do you think?

Here is what System Mechanic will do for you:

  • Cleans, defrags, and repairs registry
  • Accelerates PC startup 19 ways
  • Defrags & recovers orphaned RAM
  • Boosts internet speed
  • Complete low-level drive defrag
  • Turns off unused background programs [Source: System Mechanic Site, 2009]

Perfect for bloggers, gamers (Yes you WoWHeads out there), and general PC users alike who want to maximize performance. Even better, the customer service is PHENOMENAL! My geek was having an issue with the registry, sent the info to our contact Michael (who is super nice), and guess what…..the problem is a BIG DEAL! Jinkies! So the awesome folks at iolo technologies are working on this issue that my geek found. Pretty dang cool….we are just hoping he is not that nerd like at the Cubs game that tried to catch the in-play-foul-ball deal, yeah we do not need geek hate for that foul. (Just kidding)

So if you are not the savviest, or maybe you are and you need to improve the performance of your computer…this is the way to go. Really no major install or directions required. In fact, you can win a ONE year copy of System Mechanic good for THREE PC’s. Here’s the skinny

MANDATORY ENTRY: Go visit the System Mechanic site and tell me what other products iolo offers and how they can help your PC.


  • Tell me too what else makes your computer slow or a pain for you
  • Follow my blog or tell me you do
  • Follow me on Twitter or tell me you do
  • Tweet this giveaway “Get the Mechanic for your PC for ONE year from @KariewithaK″
  • Fan The Fish on Facebook
  • Enter one of my other giveaways
  • Blog this giveaway with a track back to System Mechanic and my blog (worth 3 entries)
Don’t forget to DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE and all the fabulous participants, savings, and giveaways!
Best of luck!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency. Click HERE!

Who’s Got Your Back

Name three people. THREE. Influential or not, name three people in your life that will always, and I mean always have your back. Not three people you can count on for a beer, a cup of sugar, not those types, but THREE strong, permanent people in your life that you can rely on at all times.

Hard to do?

If you can name THREE people without hesitation and one of those is not your “lord and savior” then chances are you have found the three strongest people in your life and will have your back at all times. These individuals will not always bail you out of jail, lend you sugar, enjoy a pint at your local pub, these (at the very least) three people will have your back in some of the best and the worst low down times in your life.

The time and place of our world now is a setting of instant gratification, our worst times can be relieved at the quick stroke of  a keyboard or the click of the mouse, a pill, or a bottle, even our best of times are celebrated in such a way where the intimacy of person to person relations is completely removed.

Long gone are the days of having to thumb your way through the black laden and dyed yellow paper of an actual physical yellow pages, the warm printed scent of inked, dusty paper. Long gone are the days of nights for coffee, long chats on the phone often resulting in exorbitant phone charges and fees. Long gone are the days of an actual face-to-face interview, conversation, or meeting.

We have webinars, Twitter, conference call interviews with panelists, email, blogs, texts, and IM (Instant Messenger).

Truth be told I attended a function held by a local fellow blogger here in Phoenix, Kelly Loubet, you know her on Twitter as @Childhood and I was nervous. I. was. nervous. Why? Because I was actually going to meet face-to-face with someone who I had only acquainted myself with online. I was nervous and ecstatic all at once. The experience could probably compare to the first day of school or a mom date (moms night out). We held good conversation for being so late and only really talking online. I thoroughly enjoyed actually meeting someone who I had only met online. A thrill. A completely new realm for me.

My instance of meeting Kelly is out of the ordinary to some, even for myself. I have always had fresh meetings with people I had never met before through mutual acquantainces or friends, a meeting with someone that I had met online was very foreign, scary, new, exciting and wonderful all at the same time. Some people spend their entire existences talking only online, never engaging in face-to-face moments or settings, but rather a proverbial sea of type-written text.  However, others do meet in a standard fashion, some positive, others not as positive. But one would have to wonder, have we really lost the personable touch, the guarantee of the people we meet that certain individuals may be subliminally and quite possibly divinely chosen to be our guardians, the ones who always have our backs or maybe just friends, casual acquantainces, best friends, future colleagues, networking associates.

I recently experienced a tragic loss. A loss I have never felt, experienced, and I know more are coming in my life, I am bracing for these losses. I did not know who to turn to first in my grief, in my loss, who did I pour my heart and soul to, WHO had MY BACK?

1. My husband. I knew beyond a shadow of a doubt I married my best friend. I turned in my shock, my awe, my silenced sadness and grief. Burning eyes and breaking heart. The empty filling my chest. The inability to take a full breath as if the weight of the world was placed on my chest. The slow taste of bile rising in my throat with every swallow I took in my grief.

2. My step-dad. I drove to my mothers the night of my loss. A loss truly that I did not share alone, shared truly with some many others, but all I felt was my pain, and I needed to be with my family. On my way to my mother’s house I picked her up from a gathering she was at with my step-dad. I needed my mother, her aura of comfort and the consciousness of “everything will be okay” even though every cell in my body felt otherwise. She was at a gathering with my step-dad. We waved our hellos as I chauffeured my mother to her house, but I knew I had to stop. I honked the horn got out of the car and ran into the arms of my step-dad. I needed a hug. I knew I didn’t have to say a word. I never have had to say much to him, he knew. He knew my pain, he knew my loss, he knew I needed his strength and that he always had my back. Despite all of our differences, pains, and angst’s we have shared together, he has always had my back.

3. Jen. Our friendship began as a “friend of a friend” but as time has passed a bond has developed. One I had not ever truly taken notice. I have found in my growing age that I do a lot more watching, listening, I am more aware. I became more aware of the bond I had formed with my friend. That her pain that she felt, is feeling, is still reeling to control as waves splash over her from time to time, are now my pain. The burning emptiness, the drive in life that we both share, our unyielding love and loyalty to our friends and family, she and I are one in the same. Unlimited amounts of time can pass and we would never know any different. I knew at this point in my life that Jen had my back. I KNEW I could confide in her at all levels. No matter what. Day or night, even if I never did confess my deepest confidences, I knew I always could.

I am also lucky enough to share a growing bond with a few groups of women on different spectrums of my life. More and more as time passes and with each encounter, I know, I can count on these women. But sadness will wave over me that the people I thought I could confess to are not who they appear to be. Blood is not always thicker than water and those bonds, quite frankly are saddening. With the loss of my dear love, my grandfather, I too lost dream. That one day a family would be united. At the services I watched. I watched generations of family bonded by blood and divided otherwise. Knowing that the other did not have their back, generations of siblings and parents, children and grandchildren, bonded and divided. I wasn’t sure what really was more wrenching, the pain in the loss of my family patriarch or the loss of ties, bonds, love because you knew no other because of the genial ties that bind. Saddened too because of the lack of connections. Our family had now become a network, “just Facebook me,” “send me a text,” “tweet me,” “email me” the time felt as if we no longer had that connection. We now were just rolled into the sea of social networking, no longer a famillial unit, but networkers within our own genial lines.

So when you think you know who has your back you might possibly be mistaken. In times of loss and greatest successes do you know who has your back, who shares in your joy, knows your pain. The sixth sense is always the gut instinct, your gut will tell you of friends and foes, confirm your fears and doubts, and will enforce that the human touch, the human interaction, the ability to sympathize and empathize are beyond more than an email, a text, a Tweet. Something very few can exhibit personally and virtually.

With that I am blessed to know that “durdles” will mean more. A laugh is the cure for the soul. Not only do we have friendships but we have been chosen as the ones to watch each others back. These fabulous individuals just know. They know your fears and doubts, give you a hand up when you are down, respect you.
And we know who’s got your back.

Gifts for Her: ScentCrafters

Nothing in the world is more unique to a woman than something that she made or something that was made out of love for her. While on my quest for fabulous gifts for women for the holidays I came across ScentCrafters and their superior service. Have you ever wanted to make your own fragrance like the stars? Maybe even name your fragrance, all your own, pick the bottle style, color, shape, the entire process?,, perfume

Make this wish come true for the woman in your life by visiting the ScentCrafters site and creating a very personalized fragrance for the special woman in your life and name the fragrance just for her. Or better yet, order a gift certificate and let her create her own scent, instigate her own name and choose from all the wonderful options for bottles., Karie Herring, scentcrafters.comAs you can see this is my personal bottle. Lurve it don’t you? You want to touch it, spray it, hold it. I called it Atlantis to go with my “fishy” family theme. Plus I am a die hard romantic and geek for mythology. The scent I chose is actually based on the commercial perfumes. I love Chanel No. 5 (and I mean LOVE it) and I love anything Victoria’s Secret so I chose a beautiful blend of Victoria’s Secret Divine and Chanel No. 5 and let me tell you….wonderful, romantic, ultra feminine, and not overpowering or raunchy. Just absolutely heavenly. I love to spray some on after a shower.

You can also choose of up to five scents in your fragrance for a truly unique style and blend of perfume. The scents are described in their entirety so you really cannot go wrong, ScentCrafters also has a scents suggestion to tell you which scents will pair best together with your top, middle, and bottom notes.

Just imagine the woman in your life enjoying this wonderful luxury of her very own perfume, with satin bag, personalized name to her fragrance, and she can always order more!

But do not just take my word on this wonderful product. Go visit the Scent Crafters site, also be sure to check out the option to purchase multiple bottles. Prices start at $39.99 for an individual bottle and $18 for an order of 10 or more. That is equivalent to your standard commercial bottle if you think about the pricing for the bundle and still a steal for the price of a single bottle. Spoil the woman you love this year by gifting her a fragrance she will never forget.

Don’t forget to DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE and all the fabulous participants, savings, and giveaways!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

Create a Healthier Soda Stream USA, Karie Herring, soda SteamDo you have a family or family members that have everything and you are stumped. Truly you are at the gift giving conundrum pass of what to give as the perfect gift for someone or for everyone who has everything?

I could bet you they do not have their very own fountain soda system. Seriously.

Who does not just love that fresh mixed taste of a cool refreshing soft drink? Like the one from soda fountains from years of old. The bubbly beverage calling your thirst, quenching your every desire. Yes I am still talking about Soda, Pop, Coke, Pepsi, Sprite, 7-Up, whatever you may call it.

Karie Herring,, Soda Stream USA

My family is not big soda drinkers anymore, but we love to have a soda every now and again. But the cost effectiveness of buying a whole package makes better economic sense as opposed to the cost of just the single soda  (Yeah do the math). However, the environmental issues also weigh in with all the packaging and waste. Imagine no more useless bottles, cans, and or cases. Imagine fresh, straight from the fountain style soda right in your home. Or better yet, sparkling water. Ever heard of Perrier?

Soda Stream USA would be the best fit for the family who enjoys soft drinks on all levels. From sparkling water, to Red-Bull type drinks, cola and diet cola, and who could forget the family favorite of root beer (and root beer floats!).

Want to know how it works, just watch.
Soda Stream USA from Karie Herring on Vimeo.

Easy peasy right?! So you are wondering what other flavors are there? How hard is it really to make? No electricity? Bottles? Where is the catch?

Nutritional info straight from the website:

As you can see….the Soda Stream sodas have LESS sugar, sodium, caffeine, and calories than commercial sodas, well at least the two flavors listed that are comparable. Speaking of flavors.


Karie Herring,, Soda Stream USA review

  • Cola
  • Cranberry Raspberry
  • Cream Soda
  • Fountain Mist
  • Ginger Ale
  • Lemon Lime
  • Orange
  • Pete’s Choice
  • Root Beer
  • Tonic

FLAVORS to come:

  • Cherry Cola
  • Peach Iced Tea
  • Lemon Iced Tea
  • Lemonade
  • Orange Mango
  • Grape
  • Zero Cola
  • Diet Peach Iced Tea
  • Diet Lemon Iced Tea
  • Diet Lemonade
  • Diet Energy Drink

As you can see by the video….not hard at all to make. Follow the easy peasy instructions and you have yourself some super fountain drinks. Oh the issue of electricity, yeah, none needed since the whole operation is based on the CO2 (carbon dioxide) canister where the CO2 is shot right into the soda bottle. Oh right, and the package comes with a One Litre bottle that is BPA free. The whole system is completely environmentally friendly. The CO2 you ask? Well you buy those from Soda Stream, send them back your old ones to recycle when you order your new ones. Much like printer cartridges.

Are you ready to add one to your kitchen appliances? You are? Or maybe for a loved one who LURVES a nice cool, bubbly fountain drink but hates to keep running to the store for more?

Here is what you are entering to win: Fountain Jet Soda Lover’s Start-Up Kit (approx. $100 retail value.) It includes the winner’s choice of black/silver, white or red/silver Fountain Jet, CO2 to make over 100 liters of soda, 2 reusable carbonating bottles, a sample pack of flavors, and 3 full-sized flavors of the winner’s choice

MANDATORY ENTRY: Check out Soda Stream and tell me the system you would want and your top three flavors, new coming or otherwise. (Be sure to leave your email or make your blogger profile public, no email, no entry, sorry.)


  • Follow my blog or tell me you do
  • Follow me on Twitter or tell me you do
  • Follow SodaClub and tell me you do
  • Daily Tweet option “Better than soda in a can giveaway from @SodaClub @KariewithaK “
  • Blog about this giveaway in 25-100 words (not that hard…..for 5 extra entries)
  • Fan The Fish on Facebook
  • Enter one of the other giveaways for an extra entry
Don’t forget to DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE and all the fabulous participants, savings, and giveaways!
Best of luck!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

Travel Business Class with High Sierra Sport Giveaway

luggage, high sierraDo you find your husband travels quite a bit for business? (Maybe even you do as a working mom.) I know my husband travels quite a bit for work and he is constantly complaining of the amount of luggage he has to take with him which usually consists of his overnight bag, laptop bag, and sometimes literature for meetings (which maybe consists of another bag as well). All his gear bogs him down that he decided  he needed a bag that would double as an overnight bag and a laptop bag, but supply enough room for his paperwork, gear, everything you need when traveling on a business trip.

High Sierra Sport Company, Luggage, Thefivefish.comI searched HIGH and LOW on the internet for a bag to meet his needs. Believe me I searched. I finally came across High Sierra Sport Company and I was IN LOVE! I knew I found the bag the hubs could use as a laptop bag and an overnight bag allowing for enough room to pack all his gear. The bag I found with High Sierra Sport Company is the AT505 Carry-On Wheeled Backpack (MSRP $300, found in stores for $149.99). This piece of luggage is a BEAUTY and I have yet to see anyone make anything like it yet. The backpack on the front of the wheeled carry-on, zippers on and off as a day-pack or in his case doubles as a laptop, briefcase type bag. The luggage also makes for a smooth transition through the security checkpoints, where he is not fumbling through a couple of bags or having to check any of his bags. While we were also looking at all the features, the entire piece has backpack handles! You got it, the entire thing doubles as a backpack if you are not wheeling it through airports and or hotels.

Weight must be an issue right? With the fact it has the day pack, its a roller bag, the weight must be atrocious. WRONG! I thought that too until I started throwing it around. We even loaded up both bags to see how heavy they are. Not a problem! The features are totally, can I just flashback to the 80s, RAD!

  • Duraweave and Metallic mini-weave: Not your average luggage, the material is rough and tough.
  • Corner-mounted sport wheels: Inline skate-style wheels have corner-mounted housings with a unique integrated bridge to keep the bag rolling true.[High Sierra Sport Co, 2009] Which this bag does! Most wheels tend to bind or they drag like you are pulling luggage with a body in it. I mean what more could you ask for in a luggage and bag company that is the official supplier of the U.S. Ski and Snowboard teams. HOLLA!!
  • Aircraft aluminum pull-up handle: This feature equates to a sturdy handle that is not flimsy.
  • Custom-molded zipper pulls: Do you not hate those stupid metal zippers that are cold, your hands slip off, and they are heavy. These are designed to reduce the weight of the bag and make for an easier grip.

What else I love about this beautiful piece of luggage? Well two things, the colors are GORGEOUS! Stunning bright and fashionable colors and I plan on snagging this beauty to take with me to BlogHer2010. I will be able to stash my laptop, my swag (oh yeah….did I tell you….this is a THREE part giveaway, this is Piece ONE!), and all my clothes! I could not be more stoked!

Oh the giveaway part….right! Yes, you my faithful readers can win one of these wonderful pieces of luggage to add to your traveling needs.


MANDATORY: Leave me a comment telling me what your biggest peeve is with traveling and how High Sierra would be a fabulous piece of luggage to ease your traveling woes. You have to check out their site and tell me which piece besides this one would be fabulous! (Be sure to leave me your email address, no email address, I cannot tell you that you won! How crap-tastic would that be!)


  • Fan High Sierra on Facebook, by doing so….you can enter to win a piece of luggage EVERY WEEK with them! How fabulous is that!
  • Follow them on Twitter! Lots of info of when the giveaways are happening and all their awesome product updates!
  • Follow my blog and tell me you did
  • Follow me on Twitter and tell me you did
  • Tweet this giveaway “Innovative luggage giveaway for your lifestyle from @KariewithaK and @HighSierraSport” Tweet this at least once a day and tell me you did
  • Fan the Fish On Facebook (to your right) and tell me you did
  • Blog about this giveaway in 50-100 words (Worth 5 entries!)
  • Subscribe to my feed in a reader or email ( I do verify by the way)
  • Enter one of the other MANY giveaways! (Worth an entry for each giveaway you enter! LOADS)
DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE to see what other great products will be featured with awesome money savings for the holidays and of course giveaways!
Best of luck! Be Fair and as always tip your servers.
*Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

My Conversation

The virtual diary. The Weblog of old and blog of new. A typepad diary to release inner demons, woe on politics, spew nonsense on the grandest scales, possibly invent a new comedy facet even Shakespeare could revel.

Diaries are not always meant to be read while others are published; some are for shock value, some are for reciprocal relations (not feeling alone in the world), and some are just written diarrhea that communicate nothing but allow us something else to stare aimlessly into a monitor.

While I am not “expert,” self-proclaimed “guru,” or self-proclaimed “top blogger” I do claim to be full of shit. Honestly. I have a lot of minutiae in my life that has molded me into the productive human being I am today. For example, I have been laboring in the employment arena for over 15 years. I am also an adult-child of an alcoholic. You want to know about alcoholism and how the “disease” (for lack of a better word) can destroy a family ask me so, I can tell you first hand. I can also share with you the art of being proactive, rather than reactive. Although sometimes reactions can be fun if you really want to spice up your dull suburban life. Other experiences include the loss of lives, lives I took part in creating but clearly an upperhand had other plans beyond my control. Experience life on drugs, the detox, share how even a prescription drug to keep you from feeling nuts can send you into a downward life spiral of dementia, then rising again anew.

Sometimes my blog makes sense. Sometimes my blog is a surprise of epic proportions where I can show the Skittle rainbow and then taketh away by showing you the dark depths of an inner child scorned by hurt and deception, smoke and mirrors. Sometimes I engage you in a comedic touch and others I attempt to engage you in a conversation and they aren’t always superficial or “socially acceptable.”  I also am in no way attempting to win any award, although I have some friends that I cherish who think I invented sliced bread and award me so, for them, I am full of heart, eternally grateful. (aka Ally,

Which brings me to a blog post I read today from a bloggy friend of mine who feels she is not of influence. What is influence really? Influence as I understand the meaning is that an action will have an effect. Sounds scientific…possibly not. I look at influence and the laws of cause and effect from a Buddhist standpoint.  For every cause there is an effect. Example: A lonely cow is in her field, she sees a herd pass, she joins the herd. The cause a herd passes your path, the effect, you become part of the cattle. (see where I am heading)

For example, the effect of turtling (hanging in one spot and one spot alone) where the flow of any traffic is impeded, the effect is that traffic will begin to gather around. That is not a gravitational pull, but your wide ass obstaining from moving, thus preventing in some cases bloggy constipation. However, if you act as a honey bee, visiting flower here and flower there, the results may not be immediate, but the effect is cross pollination, pollination period, the want of the flowers, for you the honey bee, to return each and every time. I felt my bloggy friend is very much the honey bee, while others are turtling excrements merely taking up space.She is the steady and constant bee on her pollination route, and one season soon, she will reap the rewards of all she has sown.

Blogs, emails, posts, Tweets, texts, and phone calls can all be a conversation. Short and sweet. Long and meaningful, or merely scripted fum is chum or is it Chum is Fum for the masses to gobble. (Yes that is a SpongeBob reference…..) Either way, the influence is the effect that is caused by what was said, how did you resonate in that individual (the cause), good or bad, he or she is clearly reaching for conversation, whether you choose to listen or answer proactively is up to you, because I see that both listening and proactive responses are participation in a conversation. You cannot converse if someone is not listening, and even when you think you are alone in your conversation, someone, just someone may be listening. Hold steady, hold true, and do not lose your love and feeling for your conversation. The cause of conversation is in effect influence.

Gifts for Kids: Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique

Karie Herring,, Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique

Christmas has been so much fun for me last year and this year because of the twins. I was so blessed with one of each that now I have a mini-me to dress up, do her hair, we can do girlie things in a house full of boys. While on my quest to find the sweetest girl gifts and ideas I stumbled upon Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique and seriously if they are not the sweetest boutique ever!

Karie Herring,, Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique Look at that cute outfit! I could not believe that is handmade. Yes, you heard me correctly. HANDMADE with love from one of the most talented women I have ever had the pleasure of speaking with via email. I actually ordered this dress for review sight unseen. You see a picture was not posted and if I did not just have the most awesome luck! Can you believe this dress? Honestly totally cute and great for all seasons. Do you see the cute bow (that I was so lucky that my Little Bitty did not yank out of her hair)? Yes the bow matches that adorable dress.

So the dress is a fabulous light corduroy feeling fabric. Most people cringe at corduroy, but I embrace it and just love the soft velvety feel and the rough texture. Kids are fabulous candidates for corduroy because it is so tough and rugged for their playing. The pattern is awesome with the bright colors and Sara was losing her mind when she saw the dress. She is such a girlie girl at heart, if it is pink…..she now has possession, so beware.

Sweetie Pies Kids is more than just girls clothes. Boys clothes are also available, as well as an assortment of adorable bows, tutu’s, monogrammed cups, frames, crayon rolls (which are great for travel!), and lots of totally cute baby gear like bibs, blankets, passy clips, they have it all. Of course, the best part is the handmade. I love to support mom and handmade so Sweetie Pies Kids is a no brainer.

Karie Herring,, Sweetie Pies Kids BoutiqueWant to know where to find Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique clothes, well you can shop online with their fabulous site and if you happen to be a resident of North Carolina and in the area of Kernersville and Youngsville you can see all of their great products at Barabara’s Cottage in Youngsville and Emma Jane’s in Kernersville, but of course you can check out the Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique site for your one stop shop if you are not in the area.

If you have a boy or girl in your life this year that you want to buy them something completely unique and away from the ordinary that you find at your standard box stores or maybe you want to customer order…they take those too, well this is the place to read on, because the owner Kristen Holmes of Sweetie Pies Kids is offering The Five Fish readers a $20 gift certificate to her site to shop for some fabulous gift items this year. And if you are not a winner for this giveaway, that is still okay because if you mention that you saw Sweetie Pies Kids on my blog you get 10% off your purchase! How fabulous is that!

So you want to know the fabulous deets on how to win? Alright:

MANDATORY: Check out Sweetie Pies Kids and tell me who you would shop for and what you would want to buy for them.


  • Go Join the Sweetie Pies Kids Boutique Facebook Page to get all your updates for the shop.
  • Stumble, Digg, or Delicious Sweetie Pies Kids and tell me you did (an entry for each)
  • Buy something with your 10% discount from Sweetie Pies Kids (for 5 extra entries, let me know your info so I can confirm)
  • Follow my blog and or tell me you do
  • Follow me on Twitter or tell me you do
  • Tweet this giveaway with daily RT’s “Sweet as pie with Sweetie Pies Kids & @KariewithaK (put the link to the giveaway here)”
  • Blog about this giveaway with 25-100 words linking back to The Five Fish & Sweetie Pies Kids (Worth 4 extra entries)
  • Enter one of the other giveaways for an extra entry (each giveaway is an extra entry here, 4 giveaways, 4 extra entries! WOO)
DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE for FABULOUS products to be showcased here on the blog throughout the month including giveaways and HUGE money savings just in time for the holidays!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

Shoes for Toddlers Pedoodles

Parents, grandparents, and the like always look at shoes as an item to buy for back to school or because a need exists. While my poor Seth (and his gigantic growing feet) needed shoes, they also make a great gift for the holidays. My kids are definitely MY kids when the topic of shoes is breached. Shoes means we are going somewhere….like Costco. Exciting for a toddler, really.

I have bought my kids shoes in the past from your standard places, Target, Wal-Mart, Payless Shoes, and each of these places has shoes with HARD rubber (or worse) soles. So your children really look like midgets trying to maneuver snow shoes on dry land. You know the walk right? Lifting and walking as if they have weights wrapped upon their feet. I found the wonderful company of Pedoodles and just had to see what they are all about. I also found them based on their Eco-Friendly compliant shoes. You know we at The Five Fish try to reduce our carbon footprint.

I perused the site, just adoring all the cute baby shoes, toddler shoes, leather, sandals, moccasin type shoes. I finally found the perfect pair, the Bumper Cars. I contacted them and they were so gracious to allow Seth-en-stein to test out a sample of their shoes and would you believe it that my 20 month old BOY, LOVES his shoes. I mean he really likes shoes period, but if you set all his shoes in front of him he truly picks his Pedoodles.

The shoes move with his feet. He is not constricted or restrained by the chunky, unable to flex and move, hard construction of a standard shoe. I mean you might as well have put children in wooden shoes the way they walk in the hard, immobile soles and construction. He also has toe box room for his wide feet. Baby feet are not narrow and pretty, they are Hobbit feet, they have to be able to support their frames and give them balance, and the shoes have to allow for the support and the movement of the child. The shoes are super soft! Truly super soft! The leather is movable and pliable like leather clothing and not “shoes.”

I mentioned the Eco-Friendly shoes right?! Well these shoes are Constructed from “Eco-Friendly” premium leather remnants which are safety tested for children (Free of Lead, Antimony, Arsenic, Barium, Cadmium, Mercury, Selenium and harmful Amines.) [, 2009] Oh and those soles on the shoes? Fabulous as well, they look like little tire treads and you want to know why? The Soles are made with recycled materials to help reduce global waste. They’re also safety tested (Passes British Safety Standard BS 5665-3 and European Standard EN71-3). [, 2009]

But hey….do not just take my word for it. Enter to win a pair! That is right! Your crawler, walker, runner will be up and moving in a new pair or Pedoodles! Your first entry…..go head over to Pedoodles and come tell me how many pairs of Eco-Friendly shoes they offer! Be sure to leave your email addy or make your Blogger account available to see your email.


  • Follow my Blog (tell me you do or did)
  • Subscribe to my feed (at the top)
  • Follow me on Twitter (tell me you do or did)
  • Follow Pedoodles on Twitter
  • Tweet this giveaway “If babies were born w/shoes @Pedoodles would be it! Enter to win @KariewithaK (enter link here)”
  • Enter one of my other giveaways (worth as many entries as the giveaways you enter! i.e. if I have 3 giveaways, 3 entries! You see…)
  • Blog about this giveaway in 50-100 words with a track back to me and to (worth 3 entries)
  • Fan The Fish on Facebook
  • Technorati fave my blog (I have a new listing since I changed the URL)
  • Stumble
DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE  to see what other great products will be featured with awesome money savings for the holidays and of course giveaways!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

Give the Gift of Pearls of Joy,

People say diamonds are a girl’s best friend. But really, diamonds, in this economy? You probably would look more like a douchebag princess getting some major bling like that. I, however, have always loved the classic, timeless, elegant look of pearls. You have to admit, something has to be said about a woman in pearls, just completely classy and pearls can dress up any occasion.

The folks at Pearls of Joy contacted me* and I was overflowing with joy because I love pearls. I love to wear pearls and they are just absolutely gorgeous. I chose to review the earrings of all the choices. I do not wear earrings much but when I do, they are pearls. I actually had a beautiful set of black pearls DH bought for me in San Francisco but somehow the dear boy Big G got a hold of those earrings and broke them. Resulting in a black pearl lost in a sea of shag carpet which inevitably got sucked into the black hole of vacuums thus resulting in lost earrings and a new vacuum.


Regardless, I found the perfect and beautiful replacement of Black Akoya pearls. Magnificent aren’t they? They have an iridescent blue, peacock color that is absolutely stunning, gorgeous, eye catching. I love the darker pearls because they look mysterious, exotic, and again they are timeless. I was pleasantly surprised too at the quality, pearls are either good quality or garbage where they are basically costume jewelry. Pearls of Joy pearls are top notch! Equipped with a certified GIA in pearls appraisal. Beautiful, functional, and I love to wear them. I received many compliments, even from the hubs on how lovely they looked on me, with the white gold posts to offset the dark color of the beautiful stone pearl.

In general my ears are very sensitive to the posts of earrings which generally require me to wear gold in 14k or higher. Sometimes even 14k causes issues where my lobes and the piercing hole becomes inflamed. I did not have this issue which made me even more excited over these wonderful beauties.

So folks, if you are looking for that gift to surprise your mother, sister, daughter, or of course your lovely wife….try the timeless and classic choice of pearls. Or better yet, enter here to win a pair just in time for Christmas for that special woman in your life! You got it!

Win a choice of a strand of pearls or a piece of pearl jewelry (as seen above) from Pearls of!

The Skinny entry info:

MANDATORY: Go check out and tell me what other beautiful bling you would love to add to your jewelry collection. (Please leave your email address or make your blogger profile public so I have your email address for your winnings…otherwise…no cool loot!)


  • Blog about this giveaway (Minimum of 50-100 words…sorry…have to avoid spammers folks….I play fair!) with a track back to me and (3 entries)
  • Subscribe to the PearlsofJoy Newsletter (2 entries)
  • Follow my blog or tell me you do
  • Follow me on Twitter or tell me you do
  • Tweet this giveaway “Enter to Win timeless pearls from @KariewithaK valued @ over $200 (include the link to giveaway here!)”
  • Enter one of my many other giveaways (worth an extra entry for each giveaway you enter!)
  • Fan The Fish on Facebook
  • Technorati fave my blog
  • Stumble, Digg, Delicious the Pearls of Joy website
DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE
Best of luck to you all!
 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.

Cooking with Imagination Step2 Lifestyle Kitchen,, Karie Herring

The Herring Hunting, Five Fish Holiday gift guide is now officially in FULL SWING and I wanted to get this puppy started off right. My kids and I had the awesome opportunity provided to us by Step2 to receive and review the Lifestyle Deluxe Kitchen. I have to tell you that the kids LOVE IT! The first day the kitchen was assembled they rallied around it, with all the great features, accessories, the fostering of some really great pretend play!

Grant told me immediately that we had to go to Costco to stock up on supplies, that his fridge was looking a little barren. We needed bread, Cheerios, some more fruit and vegetables, maybe some milk. DH and I were laughing hysterically and taking note to plan a trip to Costco for he and the twins. The gnomes love all the sounds, the buttons and controls, plus the utensils have been loads of fun for them.

Here is what the Step2 Lifestyle Deluxe Kitchen has to offer as far as amenities and features:, Karie Herring, Step2 kitchen, giveaway

  • Appliances make realistic electronic sounds
  •  Granite-look counter top
  • 38-piece accessory set included (accessories may vary)
  • Loads of storage space
  • Framed window with overhead light
  • Sink with modern faucet and pull-out sprayer
  • Adult assembly required
  • Made in USA of US and imported parts (phone, play food, light, faucet, electronic keypads and burner made in China)
  • Requires 8 – AA and 5 – AAA batteries (not included)

[Source: Step2 IPK]

Karie Herring,, Step2 Kitchen giveaway

The Mrs. Fish take: the appliances are cute for a small scale, so yes, realistic for the gnome size scale. The counter top I took to be more Corian than granite looking, the accessories are very cool, and adding more is even MORE fun for the kids.  Truly TONS of storage which is nice for the kids to experiment and play. The light is cool, the kids love to turn that on as the room gets darker. Adult assembly FOR SURE is required, the whole system to put together is snap and lock with a few screws here and there, however, I would suggest a strapping individual to help with the initial put together and a drill for the screws. Also be sure you have all the screws, we were short a few but scrounged some together in the garage. The put together is time consuming so be sure to set aside at least an hour or more if working alone.

All-in-all a GREAT toy! The only issue we had was with the screws, no biggie, the stickers and accessories were loads of fun to put away before the kids played with it and to see what all was included. I feel comfortable with my kids playing with this toy from Step2 because 1. it is made in the USA and 2. no choking parts for my little guys and 3. my oldest is six and he loves to play with it too! He was whipping up hamburgers and fresh baked buns the other day! Loads of fun!

Are you ready to have loads of fun with the Step2 Lifestyle Deluxe Kitchen? Good because you have your very own chance to win one! Valued at $219.99 and just in time for Christmas, definitely a “Santa” worthy gift for hours of unadulterated pretend play. Here are the rules:

Mandatory Entry:
Visit Step2 and tell me what other products from their kitchen line you would love to have in addition to the one listed in this review and how that would help foster your child’s imagination and learning.

EXTRA Entries:

  • Follow my blog (at the side)
  • Follow my blog on Networked Blogs (again…at the side)
  • Fan the Fish on Facebook (again….at the side)
  • Technorati fave the Fish (….since we have the new URL)
  • Oh want to increase your odds….Kristin and Lizzy have giveaways going on too! Enter with them and get an extra entry!
  • Follow Me On Twitter
  • Tweet this Giveaway by saying this: “@KariewithaK and @theStep2Company fostering imagination #giveaway” (only one tweet per day please)
  • Blog this giveaway with a minimum of 50-100 words, using my button (to the right) and linking back to this post. (Worth 4 Entries!)

Now play fair, if you FAIL to enter your EMAIL or I cannot find one attached to your blogger account…no entry. Also, you must tell me in each comment with proof (tweeted, etc) of your entry. I really hate to disqualify entrants, so again, please follow the simple rules. My dear friend Tammi @ My Organized Chaos brought up that this giveaway is US only, I say this because she is Canadian. *Sigh, I’m so sorry….

DOWNLOAD your Copy of the catalog HERE to see what other great products will be featured with awesome money savings for the holidays and of course giveaways!

Thank you Step2 for providing a great toy for giveaway!

 *Five Fish always blog ethically and with transparency.
  • Appliances make realistic electronic sounds
  • Granite-look countertop
  • 38-piece accessory set included (accessories may vary)
  • Loads of storage space
  • Framed window with overhead light
  • Sink with modern faucet and pull-out sprayer
  • Adult assembly required
  • Made in USA of US and imported parts (phone, play food, light, faucet, electronic keypads and burner made in China)
  • Requires 8 – AA and 5 – AAA batteries (not included)
  • Appliances make realistic electronic sounds
  • Granite-look countertop
  • 38-piece accessory set included (accessories may vary)
  • Loads of storage space
  • Framed window with overhead light
  • Sink with modern faucet and pull-out sprayer
  • Adult assembly required
  • Made in USA of US and imported parts (phone, play food, light, faucet, electronic keypads and burner made in China)
  • Requires 8 – AA and 5 – AAA batteries (not included)
  • Appliances make realistic electronic sounds
  • Granite-look countertop
  • 38-piece accessory set included (accessories may vary)
  • Loads of storage space
  • Framed window with overhead light
  • Sink with modern faucet and pull-out sprayer
  • Adult assembly required
  • Made in USA of US and imported parts (phone, play food, light, faucet, electronic keypads and burner made in China)
  • Requires 8 – AA and 5 – AAA batteries (not included)