Boston Creme Pie Cupcake Recipe & Giveaway

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BACON! Meat candy and secret addition to any awesome dessert, adding a bit extra salt and a smokey flavor that is sure to be pure decadence. Put your meat candy to work with bacon grease instead of shortening. You can spice up the flavor an extra notch with bacon grease. I have done three dessert treats with bacon grease and they were to die for. Here is my gluten free, Boston Cream Pie cupcake recipe that is sure to be a hit!

boston cream pie, cupcakesLight Yellow Cake:
3/4 c. cooled, solid bacon grease
2T. butter (for a less rich cake, increase the butter and decrease the bacon grease)
1 7/8 c. sugar
2 large eggs
2 3/4 c. flour (I love my Pamela’s gluten free)
2 1/2 tsp. baking powder
1 1/4 c. milk
1 1/2 tsp. vanilla

  • Beat eggs and sugar until blended, add in butter and bacon grease and beat until fluffy. Sift together baking powder and flour. Slowly fold in flour mixture while alternating adding milk and vanilla. Beat until well blended.
  • Pour into lined cupcake tins and bake for 18-25 mins at 350 degrees.

Cream filling:
2 c. milk
5 T. cornstarch
1/2 c. sugar
1 tsp vanilla, 1/4 tsp. fresh vanilla bean

  • Place cornstarch in sauce pan, add sugar and slowly fold in milk while stirring with whisk. Cook over medium heat, slowly add in vanilla and continue cooking until mixture is very thick. Remove from heat and allow to cool entirely.
  • Once mixture is completely cooled, place into frosting bag with narrow coupler.

Chocolate Ganache frosting:
1 package chocolate chips
1 c heavy cream
1 tsp brandy

  • In medium sauce pan heat chips and brandy slowly adding cream, stirring constantly until mixture is smooth and glossy. Remove from heat, allow to cool before frosting cake.
  1. Once your cupcakes, frosting, and pudding are cool you can begin the layers of goodness. Using your frosting bag and narrow coupler, insert the coupler into the middle of the cupcake and fill until you see the pudding rising out of the top of where the coupler is inserted. Or with the Mrs Fields pan, you can easily add the pudding without the hassle of the frosting bag.
  2. Do this for each cupcake until all pudding is used and or all cupcakes are filled to desired fullness.
  3. Place cupcakes on cooling rack and place foil underneath cooling rack. Begin to slowly drizzle frosting over the tops of cupcakes ensuring that frosting is not too hot or too cold. Each cupcake will be glossy. Allow the layer of frosting to cool before adding more. If the frosting in pan becomes hard, reheat on medium heat until desired consistency and start process of frosting again. Do this until all cupcakes are covered and frosting is completely used.
  4. Set cupcakes aside in fridge to allow frosting to harden overnight.
  5. Serve with milk and enjoy.

So Summer is here and we as moms need to figure out what to do with the kids. With Summers comes BBQs, potlucks, and other great events and many times we need to bring a dessert. Let the Love Cooking Company help with their Mrs. Fields Bake N Stuff Cupcake Pan. This pan lets you create one of a kind cupcakes that will be remembered for years to come.

Cupcakes are the perfect single serve sizes. Create a masterpiece cupcake with candy inside! The unique two-part Mrs. Fields’ Bake N Stuff Cupcake Pan allows you to make hollow cupcakes that you can fill with your favorite small candies! Simply pour in the batter, lock down the lid and bake. When they’re done, you’ll have the tops and bottoms for six 3-inch cupcakes. Then just fill and decorate, and get ready for some fun!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
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25 Replies to “Boston Creme Pie Cupcake Recipe & Giveaway”

  1. I would love to have the Chef Tony Greaseless Grillers,This would be great for my family,I can’t handle real greasy food and it seems like it would be so much healthier as well.

  2. I would also love to have the Mrs. Fields Slice N Easyâ„¢ Cake Cutter. So many wonderful items to choose from.

  3. Thanks for the delicious recipe for Boston Creme Pie Cupcake Recipe! I would have never ever thought about making cupcakes or cake with bacon grease! Do you even taste it in the cupcakes? I really love this recipe for Boson Crème Pie Cupcakes! I hate that I have to wait to make these until I get to the grocery store to purchase Heavy Cream! I kept your recipe and I know I’m eventually going to make these for sure! I also have to wait until we have bacon again to get the bacon grease!! Whenever my father gets home from his going to be long process of Staying in Physical Therapy once they put the feeding tube in him. He needs to work on un-paralyzing his upper body after a fall from a ladder 2 weeks ago this past Friday. I think these cupcakes would be an excellent welcome home gift for him! Thank so much for sharing! I absolutely love it! Thanks Again! Michele 🙂

    1. Michele, I’m so glad you like the recipe. To be honest I omit the salt since the bacon grease adds a bit of salty to the sweet. Such a great combo. Prayers for your Dad during his recovery, hope you both enjoy. XO

  4. Chef Tony Bacon Baker is perfect for my home, I recently found how much better bacon tastes when cooked in the oven or microwave flat instead of in the fry pan, love it

  5. I just love Boston Cream pie. These sound so good. It has been quite a while since I have had anything like this. I will be trying out this recipe soon

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