5 Inexpensive Ways to Maintain Healthy Skin

woman girl beauty mask

Sometimes keeping up with all the current skincare trends can be overwhelming and expensive. Since there are thousands of skin care products and regimens available, it can be challenging even to know where to begin. However, maintaining healthy skin may not require all the latest and greatest creams and serums. You can prevent various skin problems by making good healthy choices and maintaining a wholesome lifestyle. Here are five easy ways to protect your skin from aging and other potential issues. Continue reading “5 Inexpensive Ways to Maintain Healthy Skin”

7 Ways To Get Your Legs Ready For Summer

7 Ways To Get Your Legs Ready For Summer

legs ready for summer, summer legs, summer ready legsSpring may have only just begun, but there are only a few months left before summer starts. In a blink of an eye, summer will be upon us. So, if you haven’t already started to prepare your legs for the summer sun, you need to get on it right now! Otherwise, you’ll still be getting your legs into shape long into summer. Summer is all about warm adventures, the sun, and carefree fun. You should be able to wear skirts, shorts, sundresses and any other warm-weather clothing without any worry about the look of your legs this summer. So, shed that worry and get your legs ready for summer today with these seven tips. Continue reading “7 Ways To Get Your Legs Ready For Summer”

Look your Holiday Best with NeoCell

necocell, vitamin, skincare supplement, glowing skin, gift card giveaway

Welcome to the Networking Perks 2017 Something For Everyone Holiday Perks Gift Guide

Your Gift Guide Co-Hosts Are:

The Five Fish

Networking Witches

Winter brings on dry skin and it’s hard to look your best for the holidays when your skin is itchy and dry. NeoCell Glow Matrix helps hydrate your skin. This non-gmo & gluten free dietary supplement comes with 90 Capsules, enough for a whole month. Continue reading “Look your Holiday Best with NeoCell”

Zims for Dry Skin – Zims Crack Creme Giveaway


Hosted by Networking Perks

Co-Hosted By
Networking Witches
The Five Fish
MumbleBeeInc Deals and Steals
A little Bit of Everything
Canada US Win and Save
The Mommies Reviews
Momma of 4 Cutiez

Cracked, chapped, skin is a part of daily life year long, but in the winter it can be even worse. For over 60 years the Zim’s® brand has been dedicated to bringing you innovative naturally-based products that live up to their brand promise in every way. Their goal is to improve the lives of consumers with our brands that include over 25 products that are packed with the best of nature and range from skin care to pain relief gels. Continue reading “Zims for Dry Skin – Zims Crack Creme Giveaway”

Whish For Better Skin

whish beauty, whish organic, whish body, whish shave, whish body butter, whish organics

Being an Arizona native one might think that my skin and body would be tolerant of the extreme heat and arid summer climate. The fact remains as I have aged, my skin is not as resilient and tolerant to the harsh environment. Dry, ashy, and sometimes cracking, breaking skin happens on my shins, hands, fingers and feet if I am not on top of my skin care. Traditional lotions, creams and oils are petroleum based and laden with chemicals, perfumes and other additives which only further perpetuates the problem of dry skin. As I am always on the hunt for wonderful organic products I was approached about a homegrown company here in Arizona, Whish body products. Whish was created by one man’s quest to grace his bride with the best shave experience, for better skin, all while leaving her smelling delicious. Continue reading “Whish For Better Skin”