If you have read my blog long enough you know how much I love to give to others. Benevolence is in my core and I enjoy giving to others not only because of karma but I enjoy seeing people’s faces when they receive a gift of kindness. Even better is seeing the face of a child when they receive a wonderfully kind gift.
My son is brutally competitive and loves to win but he is so beautifully kind and enjoys giving to others, especially when they are deserving and they are other children. When I received the email about how My Blog Spark was helping to promote the program with Betty Crocker snacks, on specially marked boxes of Fruit Roll-Ups, Gushers, Fruit by the Foot, and Stickerz & Shapes, to donate a laptop to one African child for every laptop won by a U.S. child I knew this as a more than noble post to promote. Grant was so excited when we received the prize pack not only because we received Fruit Roll-Ups and Fruit by the Foot but also the opportunity to win a laptop in our home and that we had a donation made on our behalf to One Laptop per Child.
Grant was ever so sweet because he told me when we went over the Win One Give One program he told me, “Mama, if we win a laptop can we give it to some kids who don’t have one. I already have a computer…Dad has three of them in his office so he has one to spare for me.” I just about fell over laughing and I was so happy to hear that my son was willing to give to others so selflessly. He also saw that kids should have computers in their lives.
Not only do you support children in need but the products are also Box Tops participants. So everyone wins with these Betty Crocker snacks, and hey, they are pretty tasty. But here is some really powerful footage about the One Laptop per Child program.
Now you can get involved without making any purchase AND you can enter to win a Betty Crocker snacks prize pack and have $25 donated on your behalf to One Laptop per Child. To enter, tell me what you do to promote benevolence with your child? How are you teaching them to help others?
Extra Entries:
- Follow my blog  (3 extra entries until contest ends for connecting on Google Friend Connect)
- Follow me on Twitter
- Tweet this giveaway with unlimited tweets, no double comment tweet entries: Win and Give a laptop to a child in need with @BettyCrocker snacks and @KariewithaK
- Subscribe to my feed
- Blog this giveaway (Worth 5 entries)
- Grab my button
- Fan The Fish
- Add my blog to your text blog roll (Worth 2 entries)
Best of luck!
*The Five Fish received a prize pack of Betty Crocker fruit snacks from Betty Crocker on behalf of My Blog Spark and a donation of $25 was made on our behalf to One Laptop per Child. In no way did the product influence this post, this post is to promote a wonderful cause for children around the world.

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well,teaching them that they need to apreciate what they have. They share what they do not need or no longer use. They know by already doing it sure feels good to share what you have in life, emotionally it makes you a richer person
We make sure that our daughter gives to others. At Christmas, we had her "buy" a gift to give to somebody that didn't have. We always explain that there are people that don't have as much as us and we need to share.
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My kids are still so young but I am definitely going to show them how important it is to help others and pass along our belongings because people did the same to us since we had triplets.
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I let my kids watch me volunteer and they attend with me to volunteer activities and learn by watching me.
brownatural at gmail dot com
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We always raised our children very very early on about the importance of helping one another and people in need. Whether it was leaning out drawers and giving clothes to 'people who need them' starting when they were like 3….and also with toys, same thing. Books, etc.
We'd have them help their elderly relatives at their nursing home…even if it was just sitting and having a conversation.
They were also raised (in the formative years) in Montessori and now they are in HS (and 1 in college). I'm very proud of the adults they are becoming. It warms my heart.
Great post!
real young ones . but we teach him to be kind and polite mverno@roadrunner.com
I taught them to treat everyone with respect.
i've taught my kids to help people in need
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We make our daughter give some of her toys to charities and show her how we give our money to people in need.
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Once a month my boys and I go through the toys in their playroom. Toys that they no longer use we put in bags and donate. We give them to local church nurseries, thrift stores or we've even taken them to Mexico with us to give them to the kids there. We just teach them that there are people out there less fortunate than us so we need to help them by giving some of our things to them 🙂
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What a great giveaway! I am a current follower:-)
My daughter is pretty young so I try to teach her to only take and use what you need, to share, and be giving. I think it's working 🙂
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Benevolence – nice word usage 🙂 I just teach him that everything and everyone is a living, feeling creature. Treat others how it makes us feel good to be treated is what I tell him. So when he hits a spot that is hard for him to be nice, I try to help him see how what he did would have made him feel. Work in progress 🙂
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My family has a kitchen garden and we put aside a fresh veggi tithe to take to the local soup kitchen twice a week. Once the kids are older then we’ll volunteer there.
cripes waited hours for another comment LOL!
I think kids learn by example. So volunteer work that both parent and child can do is a good idea. My sister and her son and daughter have volunteered at an animal shelter and the food bank in their area.
Thanks for the giveaway!
Joanne Schultz
I would follow your blog on google friends connect if I could find the widget on your site!- Joanne Schultz . I might be following – I don’t know.
I would follow your blog on google friends connect if I could find the widget on your site!- Joanne Schultz . I might be following – I don’t know.
I would follow your blog on google friends connect if I could find the widget on your site!- Joanne Schultz . I might be following – I don’t know.
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My kids give by donating the toys they have outgrown to Goodwill.
I teach my teens by showing them how to donate our use clothing, outerwear, blankets, etc. to a charity.
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We volunteer our time to help others.