Unless you know a good bit about remodeling, you want to get an estimate from a contractor to see where you stand with the price of the supplies that you need and the time that it will take to complete the job. It’s best to find a few different companies so that you can find estimates from local contractors today before the best contractors get their schedules filled.
There are a few ways that contractors can determine the costs of the project. You can also use some of these tips if you want to do some of the work on your own. One of the things that you need to keep in mind when getting a quote is that you can’t be vague with the decisions that you make with materials and the design that you’re looking for in the home. An estimate is given based on the kind of materials that the contractor will be using, and some are much more expensive than others. It’s best to estimate a little on the high side and be under the budget instead of learning that you need to spend more money.
Think about the structure of some of the items in the room that is to be remodeled. If any of the electrical or plumbing components need to be moved or changed, then the job will likely be more expensive than if you were to only paint or change the furniture. Even new flooring wouldn’t be as expensive as needing to change the way a water line is placed in the room or the electrical cords that are behind a wall.
If you plan on a complete remodeling project, keep in mind that many items will be removed and replaced instead of simply refurbished or refinished. A floating floor is easier to install as all you have to do is lay the floor on the existing material in most cases. New paint or wallpaper is easy to add instead of completely removing all of the items from the wall for a new look. The contractor will know of the best ways to remodel the home and will know of the materials that are easier to find in the area where you live, which can save you money.
A couple of years ago I did my floors here and You really have to add in extra money because you sometimes just don’t know , things happen..
Putting this into a chart makes it so much easier to plan!
I think I’d start with a fresh coat of paint, if funds were tight. It’s really expensive to remodel and good to project your costs so you don’t get in over your head.
This is great information. I’ll keep it in mind when I contemplate remodeling. Thanks for sharing!
This is very helpful. I’ll certainly keep this in mind the next time I plan to remodel.
Being married to a carpenter for many years (and working with him) it is wise to estimate on the high side if doing it yourself. Also there are some things better left to the pros for safety reasons, and in many cases if it isnt, it will cost you down the road- if you did electricity, plumbing or even roofing in some areas and didnt do it right or codes wont allow you to do it, when inspection time rolls around things can get ugly fast.
I have never once estimated correctly about the cost of even the most basic change, lol. I would definitely have to get an estimate from a pro for anything big!