Nowadays everything is a subscription. From dog food to even a shave subscription, long gone are the days of simple gifts. Holiday shopping for The Chad and my kids has become a struggle through the years. As we – and they – age, finding “that” particular gift or any gifts becomes challenging. The kids are no longer of a particular toy age and The Chad and I are more about functional gifts. Which is why this year Harry’s Razor and Shave Subscription might just be the ticket for The Chad. This year we will be splurging on holiday travel and not so much holiday gifts, yet we want to share some of our great holiday gift ideas.

He’s a man who is always shaving and concerned about his facial hair and facial care. The Chad is not one to use an electric razor, just not his schtick. One might think that all razors are made the same, but even the disposables are just not the same when it comes to a close shave. Sure, disposables are great for travel, but everyday use they wear faster and can collect all sorts of ick before the next shave. Which means, your man’s face is exposed to all the ick on his razor.
So I recently was told about Harry’s Razor and Shave subscription based on the free trial. Order your free trial set of razors and shave gel, paying only for the shipping and handling (which is less than $10):
- a weighted rubberized handle,
- a five-blade razor cartridge,
- 2 oz of foaming shave gel,
- and a travel blade cover.
Choose from a wide variety of handle styles and colors for your man or man in your life. Gift packages are also available if you, or your gift recipient are not quite sure about the monthly subscription plan. Prices start as low as $15 and the payment is when your product ships. When selecting your razor and shave products for your shave subscription you determine your shave frequency. By selecting your shave frequency you are indicating how often products will be shipped to you and when they ship is when you are charged. How awesome is that?

From basic to the family plan, Harry’s Razor and Shave Subscription has options for every shaver in your family. Yes ladies, even you too can take advantage of this gentle shave cream and German steel blades for those extra smooth legs and underarms. No obligation to signup for the monthly membership, you can shop as you like with their wide variety of products and gift sets available this holiday season. As always, free shipping on any order or subscription over $15! Who doesn’t love free shipping and a bargain.