Pom Wonderful

Have you heard of free radicals? In case you have not or are unsure, free radicals are molecules that float around until they bond to something. Free radicals are pollution, sun rays, anything in the air that cause premature aging, tissue damage, and some believe diseases are causes from free radicals.

Science and research are showing that many of our foods are POTENT in anti-oxidants and vitamin C which have been suggested to fight free radicals, improve skin and health. But I won’t bore you with all the great facts about POM Wonderful as a daily beverage to provide you with wonderful health benefits.

And….the beverage tastes WONDERFUL (really….it does), makes for great additions to food recipes, and as the research suggests, good for you.

Our family has been fans of POM for some time and they even have a hybrid tea/juice and is superb! My twins are hooked on POM, 100% pure Pomegranate juice. So much so that I had to restock the fridge as we drank all of our samples rather quickly.

POM WonderfulHowever, before we guzzled all the anti-oxidant goodness that is POM. I made a few spritzers for the kids with POM and Diet Sierra Mist. No caffeine, no sugary hype, and the kids loved it. I also made a wonderful POM reduction glaze for my fruit salad that we served over pound cake. Of course we drank POM Wonderful straight up too….why wouldn’t we?

POM Wonderful is a U.S. product, the orchards are located in California. Whereas other pomegranate juices are a mix of import products from pomegranates from Iran, Turkey, India and are mixed with fillers and other unhealthy additives. As a lot of you may know I am ALL about buying as much domestic and organic products as possible. I want my kids to enjoy every bit of “fruitful” benefits without all the fillers and harsh chemicals.

Not to mention that POM Wonderful pomegranates are like grape varieties, the breeds with wonderful health benefits and the other breeds that just have great flavor. To read more about how POM Wonderful can make a difference in your life and how your family can enjoy it’s many healthful qualities be sure to check out the website. There you can find lots of recipes and find out more information on health matters as well.

7 Replies to “Pom Wonderful”

  1. So glad you’re finding lots of ways to use POM. It’s also really neat (and good market research) to hear that your kids love it as well. The POM Community has lots of great recipes from consumers as well, if you want to check it out.

    1. Andrea, I am a HUGE fan of juices in my baking and cooking. I love the warm acid that fruit juices bring to food. My next experiment will be with pork and maybe some shrimp like a ceviche with a twist. Honestly my twins FREAK OUT excited when they see the POM bottles so I cannot stop buying at any time. Thanks again, our family as I said are HUGE fans!

  2. I seriously had NO idea how versatile this product is! I mean, you can cook with it, bake with it, drink it, mix it, etc.

    That’s a lot of possiblities!!

    Great review 😀

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