The Phoenix Rises

With every life there is death. The story and life of the Phoenix is my favorite. Not only for the immortality but for the story that the Phoenix seems to die a painful death in it’s very own flames, and rises anew from it’s ashes. Today, I feel like the Phoenix.

I created a very painful death for a part of my life, for personal relationships that exist in my life, some with bearing, others with no bearing, so no real loss, however a death of me nonetheless. As I said before a painful death, one I did not want to experience, but one I did bring upon myself.

The silver lining to all of this is I am risen anew.

I have seen the err of my ways, I have learned a powerful and valuable lesson and lessons. I have gained irreplaceable friendships in this forum that I cherish to every end and they are guiding me, sharing with me, feeling with me. They too share the experiences I do on so many levels. Which is the best part about blogging, is not being alone, knowing that being at home with your kids all day that other mothers share the exact same triumphs, failures, losses, and excitement.

So here I am before you with my fledgling wings, ready to fly again. Having risen from my own fiery death, molten in my own ashes, to rise and have a life of rebirth in my blog, in my writing, and in my life. My lessons learned:

  • Know your audience. I from now on will no longer post anything beyond my immediate family or the family that blogs together (sister, sister, etc).
  • Know your friends and know your enemies, sometimes the friend is a foe.
  • Never regret (which I never did, but started to, if you regret, you regret the lesson learned or fail to learn it altogether)
  • Never apologize for your feelings, only apologize for hurtful actions, not the hurtful truth.

With that I am creating a new blog, completely private which I love. I will invite readers of my choosing or those who want to read it, or maybe, an idea I was kicking around in the shower, a blog by invitation only where we can share all the crap we are afraid to share anywhere else in a private, trusting, secure forum, we write what we want with no fear of reprisal or retaliation. If you are interested in becoming an author or reader please feel free to email me.
The title is rightfully titled “Letters We Never Intend to Send” where we post everything we want to say so we get the negative feelings out, no one gets hurt, and we ease the personal pain, frustration, anger, etc that we feel in a safe and secure forum.

I am back, I am ready to blog. I am finding peace in my actions, I have learned a lesson, I was the firebird who died among her life and is reborn of the ashes she left behind. Now I am leaving you with the quote that I enjoy so much from the Feng Shui Handbook, a quote that I believe fit me and the way I see myself in my own life and surroundings:

“A mythical bird that never dies, the phoenix flies far ahead to the front, always scanning the landscape and distant space. It represents our capacity for vision, for collecting sensory information about our environments and the events unfolding within it. The phoenix, with its great beauty, creates intense excitement and deathless inspiration.” (feng shui Master Lam Kam Chuen)

The Price Of Honesty

Funny about blogs. I have been reading all over about so many
bloggers celebrating their blog-o-versary.
Today was mine.

Silent hooray.

The only problem is that all day today I have been in damage control mode because I am a blogger of total and pure honesty. So much so that now my in-laws dislike me even more than they did before. I generated a post that created a LOT and I do mean A LOT of emotion, pure, raw honesty, pain, feelings, hurt, sadness, the whole gamut. I hurt feelings with the cold splash of truthful water being dashed in faces. I called out obvious truths that may not have been my place to call out, but I did so anyway. My only way of retraction and damage control is removal. Now…….I stand alone. On the anniversary of my blog…..crying, angry, upset that in the one place I found solace, the one place I had total control of my feelings, my words, my expressions, where I sought therapy, comfort from so many of my blog friends, and believe me you know who you are otherwise I will be here all night listing you and then emailing back and forth, I am afraid to speak my truths, to share my voice, the voice so many of you applaud for boldness, for the intensity of being HONEST and open, and unafraid. I now am afraid to write.

I write this post with the heaviest heart, at a cross roads of “to blog or not to blog” on the night of my blog anniversary. With no celebration. No fantastic giveaway or review to share today (which I so desperately want to do), not even a witty story to share about the kids or myself.

I truly felt this was my one safe place….to share with my friends. The REAL LIFE shit. No bullshit, no filler, no effing sugar coated candy shit. This is my LIFE! For all the crap that exists, for all the happiness I experience, the pain I feel, the sadness, the loss, the comedy, the tragedy, the fun, the highs, the lows, this is life from every aspect. But now I am paying the price.

My life has always been hard work. And I guess I was delusional enough to think that the price of maintaining a blog with the pure honesty that people, including myself, love, live, and thrive for is too heavy of a price. I am lost. I am not wanting to blog when I want to, when I feel I have an obligation based on my agreements, when so much to be said cannot for fear of retaliation for sharing MY FEELINGS, MY THOUGHTS, MY WORDS, on MY BLOG!!!

I found I have readers who remain anonymous, for what reason I do not know. I have readers I did not know I had or lied about knowing that I write, and I write in a very open forum. But it’s those readers that are pulling me away from my light. The darkness pulling me in which makes me sad because this is my light, my place, but I am being moderated.


This comment by a woman who hit the nail on the head is why I am lost and sad as what to do:

“I’m so glad that you put the post back up.
This is your blog and your voice. You should never give that up for anyone.”

So why do I feel like I do have to give up?
Where is the line between compromising and giving up or giving in?
So lost………

Nature Valley Nut Clusters Snack Review

The folks at My Blog Spark sent me these snacks. Now I am a huge food lover! I do. I love food, I hate what food does to me sometimes (the waistline), but I love my food. What I hate are snacks. Snacks are evil. Snacks are hard to find that are healthy without being completely bland, make you want to gag, blah! I received the box and when I opened the shipping package I knew I was in trouble.

DH was standing right there. He has eyes like a hawk for food.The packages were swooped up like a newborn being carried off by the stork.

Before I get into too much detail about how we Fish snacked on these packages, lets present the facts, some information on My Blog Spark and Nature Valley:

My Blog Spark
MyBlogSparkâ„¢ is a fun and exciting program that gives you access to exclusive offers, sampling opportunities, prizes to give away to your readers, surveys, and events where you can meet up with fellow bloggers.

Nature Valley
A General Mills brand. Nature Valley created the granola bar category in 1975. Today’s lineup includes great-tasting Sweet & Salty Nut, Chewy Trail Mix and Heart Healthy chewy granola bars that are a good source of fiber. Nature Valley also provides consumers with cereal that is bursting with crunchy chunks of granola bars.

General Mills also enriches people’s lives around the world with programs such as Eat Better America and Nourishing Lives, by innovating a way to make people’s lives healthier, easier, and richer.

So now that you have all the fabulous deets on these folks here is the skinny on the snacks:

Nature Valley Nut Clusters come in four different nut cluster flavors for each type of nut and granola lover you may be. Right did I not mention that? These are great little nut and GRANOLA clusters, so the protein of the nut without all the extra calories that you get from eating a handful of nuts! Fantastic right?!

So the four flavors that did not survive a week in my home are: Nature Valley Honey Roasted Peanut Nut Cluster, Nut Lovers, Roasted Almond (one of my favorites….fights PMS too ladies!) and finally Roasted Cashew.

My take: I love that they are these bite size, and I truly mean perfect bite sized snacks that you just pop in your mouth. Some granola snacks get to be messy and fall apart or you have those nasty, salty, sugary, greasy feel from handling nuts (no pun intended there!) leaving you feeling yucky and regretful for eating all those calories. Plus the kids….LOVE THEM. They are perfect for their little hands and very little to no mess and no worries about choking on nut pieces, the nut pieces are small enough their little mouths can handle them. Score! No Heimlich in my house.

The DH’s Review: “You gonna get any more of these? How about you buy some when you get to the store next time? I mean these things are just sinful!” As he stands in the middle of the pantry popping them in his mouth like they are about to disintegrate. in his hot little hands.

Now everything else is up to you whether you are a fan of granola. Are you a fan of nuts? How about both? Have you ever wanted to incorporate both say into a snack, or a dish, these would be great with vanilla ice cream, maybe some yogurt, a salad maybe. What would you do with your Nature Valley Nut Cluster Snacks? Would you devour them like we did or get creative?

All In The Name Contest and Giveaway Part 1

Many of you may, or may not, have seen my post about the controversy I had started with my “Little Bitty” name for my soaps. Well some woman felt very threatened by the competition and I for one, would hate to feel like I stole her thunder, I so willing agreed to comply to a name change. Besides… soap is not little, in fact, the scent is HUGE and so are the bars. So I am bragging, whatever, at least I am confident in my abilities, you have to be in a doggy dog world.

Anyway, I have been stewing this weekend trying to devise a plan for a new name. I know I cannot do this job alone. I am not too proud to ask for help either, which is why I am asking YOU, my faithful friends, family, and readers to help me in the daunting task of formulating a new name for my soapery business.

Here are some helpful hints to play on:
My full name is Karie Noel Herring, Hudson is my maiden name, I live in Arizona, anything else you already know, or semi-know, or will know at the end of all of this! LOL


Here are the fun deets:


  • Visit the blog that I share with my sisters, that we have neglected lately. (I can hear a whip cracking as I say that we have neglected this.)
  • Come back and leave me a comment telling me a name you would suggest for the soap business.
  • Come back and leave me a comment telling me which soap you would like to have, which soap and or bath item you would like to try, and what soap, scent, and formula (dry skin, sensitive, baby, etc) you would like to see made
Those are the basic entries, here are the extra credit ones!
  • Fave my blog on Technorati (button at the top makes it easy. *wink)
  • Stumble this post
  • Follow me (if you don’t already)
  • Follow the blog I share with my sisters (if you don’t already)
  • Follow me on Twitter (if you don’t already)
  • Twitter this, get more ideas for names, post for the tweet and any new name ideas
  • Blog about this Giveaway and Contest with a Link Back (worth 5 entries!)
~~~*** But remember, the first three deets must be completed before any extra entries will be accepted. The more names submitted, the more chances to win!~~~***


Now here is how the winner will be chosen. I personally….WILL NOT CHOOSE!! I know, how crazy of an idea is that!!?? Seriously, I am putting this task in your hands, the power of the people, how very democratic of me right?! Yup, so then I don’t have to worry about hurting feelings! I will post all the names and you get a chance to vote on the name….and only one vote per person to be totally fair and allow everyone a chance to participate. So this is a 2-part giveaway!


What do you win when a name, or a few names are chosen? My bath products of course….but you will have to wait and see until Part 2 of the Giveaway and Contest!!
Part 1 of the giveaway ends July 13th at Midnight AZ Time.
Have fun!!

No More Little Bitty Soap

My shop that I named after my daughter, MY Little Bitty, is no longer. Some broad in Canada says she has a copyright. Actually that would be a TRADEMARK under intellectual property laws, but she would know that right? If she REALLY registered her name…..and had it protected under “international law”? Right? Right? What do I know about that…I am just a dumb SAHM.

Anyway, she sent me this nasty letter, that I will include for you all to read. So being that I am a nice person and very easy going, and had no ILL INTENTION AT ALL to “infringe” on her Etsy name, that obviously has not generated traffic which is why she is probably all bitter with me, but I am generous enough to change my name.

Now I am faced with a dilemma………………….what to name the soap company. You can see my Little Bitty is not happy with this.

So I am going to do something FUN! And everyone gets to help me, share in the wealth, and get some free loot! Something for basically nothing!

I am going to post all my soaps for sale on the blog I share with my sisters, which has been so badly neglected. Sigh, but better than wracking up charges and headaches. Sheesh!

No more Little Bitty Soap…….the name will be?????????????????????????


That’s right, and in favor, I will send some swag your way. How awesome is that!? I am working on all the details and the post as I type this one, but hang tight….because I have all sorts of new soaps that I have created in my little homemade apothecary slash soapery so lots to choose from, all for helping me out and being so fabulous!

Have fun reading this womans letter to me, I had fun deleting all my listings and then putting:

I would hate for her to get all sorts of unnecessary traffic from poor, pity, little, bitty, me.

Little Bitty Soap Company
3357 Highway 97
Lac La Hache, B.C.
V0K 1T1
email: info [!at]


Dear Sirs,

Re: Company Name

It has come to our attention that you are Using the Company name “Little Bitty Soap” in direct breach of our rights under International Copyright Law” ].

You have 10 days to remove the name “Little Bitty Soap” from Etsy and discontinue using the above listed company name in entirety , and confirm in writing to the address at the head of the letter that you will not repeat this infringement” ]

Failing this, we will apply for an injunction, and will also seek to recover costs and damages (plus interest) for your tortious acts and conduct.

This is our final communication to you on this matter, and we look forward to hearing from you as a matter of urgency.

Yours faithfully
Gillian DeConto, owner
Little Bitty Soap Company

I am Quitting my Job

This morning when Pickles Magoo, who I think we are going to call Seth-en-Stein from now on because he is FINALLY starting to walk, a little, walks like Frankenstein. Plus he is so big and bulky like Franken, so what the heck, sounds good. Seth-en-stein (with 80’s zombies voice)

So Seth-en-Stein decides that 5 a.m. is the most fabulous time to start talking in my bed. I know dumb that he was even in my bed, but he was there because at 1 a.m. when you are praying for sleep because the big baby won’t go to sleep, you let him snuggle with you. Which by the way I rarely do, I highly dislike other people in my bed. Anyway, Seth-en-Stein begins talking, singing, crawling all over DH and I. Ok, I can semi-ignore this and get a few more Z’s. WRONG!

The little monster, I mean my little sweet boy, decides to start smacking DH and I because he thinks the sounds of slapping skin in hilarious! WRONG AGAIN! I try to go back to sleep yet again and put Seth-en-Stein on the floor to go play.

I have been SOOOOOOOOOOO WRONG today. He goes in and wakes up Big G and the Little Bitty. FANTASTIC!! Now everyone is awake and the time is barely reading 6 a.m. FABULOUS!

Big G decides to crawl in bed with DH and I, and then DH grabs Seth-en-Stein to throw him back in bed with us. WTF?! I mean seriously, are you kidding me? Now I am dealing with a ton of penises praying for intelligent life to show somewhere when I finally kick everyone out of bed!

I huff and storm out of the room, make coffee as LOUD as I can, even running the garbage disposal out of sheer spite and frustration, to no avail. DH is still in there, SNORING.

Oh and did I mention that my washer went out of commission last night….yeah! With a full load of water and laundry in it. I hope it is an easy fix, because seriously, I can’t take it anymore!

At that point I decided to officially quit my job………..only I am not sure which one to quit!!!???

  • Maid
  • Nanny
  • Chef
  • Cook
  • Baker
  • Coffee Maker
  • Gardener (oh crap….I need to go turn off the water! BRB)
  • Landscaper
  • Pool Guy
  • Launderer
  • Dish Washer
  • Dog Groomer
  • Dog Walker
  • Garbage Man
  • Recycle Extraordinaire
  • Soap Maker
  • Teacher
  • Chauffeur
  • Personal Shopper
  • Sex Kitten
  • Loan Officer
  • Wife
  • Mom

So seriously those are the only jobs that I can think of off hand with only a single cup of coffee and I am not sure which one to quit. Maybe after another cup of coffee I will quit one and ask for a raise, or maybe vacation time.

UPrinting Blog Sponsorship Rocks!

Not just because they have goods for me, but because they offer great discounts, get involved in the community, are green, I mean what else can you ask for? For instance, last night at my Busy Bee Mothers of Multiples meeting I could have chalked up tons of hits for the old blog by passing out cards from UPrinting. Just think about the opportunity to have business cards made with your name, blog, and URL to pass out to those you meet, promoting your blog, promoting UPrinting, getting the word out and promoting these incredible offers! Passing them out at BlogHer, Mom Summit, you name it!UPrinting is great for all the great opportunities they offer bloggers, bloggers like me. I wanted to thank them and give a big shout out! You guys rock! In the meantime, here is the skinny on UPrinting and what they have to offer. I applied with them for my Mothers of Multiples Club. I mean 65 ladies with the support of UPrinting, who tell their husbands, friends, they tell their friends….that’s a lot to go around for word of mouth promotion! Not to mention UPrinting is involved in Kiva to support growth in developing countries, just like Purex, how fantastic is that!

Why isn’t your average printing company:

Blog Sponsorships:
If you are looking to find a sponsor for your blog, is definitely interested. We offer giveaways, advertising and more for qualified bloggers.

Non-Profit Sponsorships:
The U-Community Program sponsors hundreds of non-profits and education to improve our local communities.

Social Justice Projects:
The UPrinting Kiva account promotes small business growth in developing countries.

Green Printing:
UPrinting supports a sustainable future by recycling, using non-toxic inks, and offering eco-friendly recycled paper stocks for business cards and postcard printing.

Text Message Folly

Just the other day I was on my standard trip to Costco to load up on TONS of milk and miscellaneous that I need around the house. I really just need a freaking cow for crying out loud….you just cannot imagine the amount of milk three little gnomes can power through.

Anyway, I leave the house and totally space looking up where the nearest Whole Foods Market may be. I thought I might check them out for this specialty item I have been shopping for and haven’t found….thinking they might have it. So I figure I would text the old little sister and see if she can Google the closest Whole Foods for me. Fantastic! Here is how our texts play out:

Me: B, can u look up the closest whole foods, plz.

B: The nearest Whole Foods is Tempe or Gilbert.

Me: That blows!!! CRAP

B: Goats or penises?

Now here is where the replies get tricky, my sister and I have great banter! Watch as I foul up my texts…I am such a dork!!

Me: Goats!!! Penises are YUMMO!!!

DH: What????

Me: What……



Now I was laughing hysterically, in the car mind you….yes texting while I am driving, but hey…safer than surfing the web on the old phone. I seriously thought I had the best reply….only to have that shattered by the old DH. Who was wondering why I was discussing penises via text and with whom I was discussing penises. I could not understand why my sister did not reply….now I understood. Sheesh for having those two so close on my contacts list. I had to look into my sent messages to find I sent the text to DH instead of my sister. I failed miserably at the texting that day. So I forwarded the text to her with this note:

Me: ……sent this text to C, on accident, shoulda gone to you……GOATS!! Penises are YUMMO!!


Yes I am the texting noob queen. I will never text and drive again! At least not when I am talking about what blows….goats or penises!

Purex 3-In-1 Laundry Sheets Review and Giveaway!

Have you all seen the new Purex 3-In-1 laundry system?

I have to say I was so pumped when I applied to be a Purex Insider. I wanted to know what all the buzz was about. Now that the product is out I really really wanted to know how it worked and how well it worked! Well I was able to get the chance. But before I get into that here is the deal with Purex and how they are changing lives for women around the globe:

Purex is trying to change lives not only with this revolutionary product but also by helping others. They have teamed up with Angie Harmon and Kiva to support women owned businesses around the globe. Visit to view the profiles of women-owned businesses. You can support a femal entrepreneur of your choice just by entering the bar code form any Purex Complete 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets. For every bar code entered, Purex will make a donation to a Kiva approved woman-owned business.

Mom Select - Bringing Companies and Moms Together

When I received the package I was totally ecstatic! I immediately called my sister and asked if she was part of the Mom Select product opportunity. She told me she had not seen anything yet. We gabbed and I immediately had to do laundry! I know I am a huge geek. But I had to see for myself if the product was really as phenomenal as everyone was saying.

Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets come in three different scents: Tropical Escape, Spring Oasis, and Pure & Clean. The packaging comes in a starter pack which is the sheet holder and 20 sheets and refill packs. I got the starter pack, so all I have to do is buy refills.

So I did some laundry. They smelled clean. They smelled fresh. But were they soft and cuddly like my clothes normally turn out after washing and drying?

To be honest I love my clothes feeling like wet noodles, just oozing softness and reeking of softener. Only because I am weird like that. So while the clothes were clean and crisp, they were not to my softness standards. But I figured okay, they still have to go through the dryer, lets see how they stand up. Once out of the dryer they were dry, soft, but not the soft that I am used to.

I truly love the product. I mean look at the room it takes up in my laundry room as opposed to the bulky bottles and other stuff. Plus the ease of use, no more pushing that pain in the neck button to dispense the soap and the softener. Not to mention the drip messes! ICK

My next test was that of the “stain.” Kids are kids, they are slobs and everything gets all over their clothes! My Little Bitty is the queen of stains. The girl can stain anything, anywhere, anytime if you give her something she will make it a stain somehow. So here is her shirt the night we had spaghetti (Tuesday night). I pre-treat all my clothes in Holy Cow, and if you have never heard of or used Holy Cow….HOLY COW are you missing out! Go check that post out later.
But I treated Little Bitty’s shirt with Holy Cow and threw it in the wash. Her shirt did not turn out the way I had hoped, remnants of the spaghetti sauce still remained, which required me to throw the shirt back into the laundry for yet another washing. However, the box does state that larger loads or dirtier loads may require an additional sheet….so maybe this might have helped.

All in all, I think the product is great, maybe a little more tweaking with the softener and detergent potency, but again, a great product! Plus look at all the extra space in the laundry room!

Now that I have had a chance to test out this fantastic product one of my lucky readers will enjoy the opportunity to WIN their very own starter package of Spring Oasis Purex 3-in-1 Laundry Sheets! Here are the rules….and remember rules are rules, everyone play fair!


  • Go to the Purex site and tell me why the Laundry Sheets are better.
  • Check out the entrepreneurs and let me know which one you would support with this package.

Extra entries

  • Follow this blog (or tell me you already do!)
  • Subscribe to my feed, or tell me you do (I do verify! So no monkey business)
  • Follow me on Twitter (or tell me you already do)
  • Tweet this giveaway and what it supports
  • Stumble this post, come back and tell me you did.
  • Fave my blog on Technorati (or tell me you already have)
  • Blog about this, spread the word about empowering women around the globe, come back and leave me the link. (Worth 5 extra entries, be sure to post a comment for each entry)
Please leave me a valid email address. Scavenger hunts are not my forte! No valid email address no opportunity to win. Also remember, follow the first two rules in order to be considered for the giveaway. Good luck to each of you!

Meal Planning Tips and Tricks

Meal time is always the worst part of my day. Any meal. Any time of the day. HORRIBLE!

I have four people who have no idea what they want to eat, stand with the fridge door wide open saying “What do we have to eat” when the fridge is full, and no one can agree on the same thing.

So I have learned to set out a ton of meats, fish, and chicken during the week and basically whip up either favorites, new dishes, a little gourmet, or a little of “Not sure what this is….but it’s freaking good!”

My tips and tricks are with food….I truly hate food. Food and meals are my demons. But here is how we fish survive in the tank when someone else isn’t feeding us (aka takeout):

  • Casseroles. You can’t go wrong with any sort of casserole type dish. Lasagna, enchiladas, anything that you can make in a single dish and toss in the oven. Plus if it is simple to whip up, dinner and clean up are a breeze.
  • Grill. I personally love to grill. The food has a flavor that cannot be replaced. Plus less energy usage. So when I grill I throw my whole meats on the grill FROZEN, this keeps them nice and juicy and you never (ok hardly ever) have to worry about burning or overcooking where the food is so nasty dry. You can grill anything and everything…give it a whirl! Grill lots of extras too! This way you have extras for the week for dinners, lunch, whatever.
  • Menus. I love a menu, this way everyone in the family can participate in what foods they want to eat during the week and makes meal time a breeze. Especially because if dinner is not served at FIVE O’CLOCK SHARP at my house…..demons invade. Seriously its like that moment where Spike from the Gremlins movie takes over the house. YIKES!
  • The Crock Pot can be your friend. I really hate the crock pot because it is ugly and takes up precious storage space. However, I have created many a meals, very tasty ones at that, in my ugly plug her in machine.
  • Forget the rules. Who says you have to have breakfast at breakfast and dinner for dinner. We call it “Brinner.” Who doesn’t love a belgian waffle smothered in fresh fruit, a side of (turkey) bacon, and maybe some scrambled egg whites for dinner or breakfast! Go nuts!
  • Avoid pre-packaged dinner meals. Like the ones where the rice and everything is in it you just add your own meat. HELLO CALORIES!! HELLO CHEESE TO MY ASS! Yeah I made that same “dinner” with brown rice, fresh cheese, frozen broccoli, and chicken. About 400 less calories than the box dinner and everyone wanted and had seconds! Super easy to do as well.
  • Salads. Yes the dreaded greens! But the greens can be fun I have a great taco salad dish that my kids eat because they are involved in the process. Plus if you tell them they can smother it with ranch…they are total game, oh and it has Doritos (I know shame on me).
  • Colors, lots of colors. I tried to have a lot of color in my food. Part of my OCD I think, but I hate when my food looks tan…..all of it. I love vibrant colors and flavors I am a true food whore about that because I have such odd tastes in food.

I would love to hear what your tricks are when making meals, keeping the family happy, trying not to serve the same old “slop” night in and night out, and what helps you save time? I also have lots of yummy recipes for everything from breakfast to dessert that are super easy peasy and totally fool proof! Quite a few are posted on the blog my sister’s and I share and I hope to post some here real soon. Happy Thursday everyone….and stay tuned! I have some great reviews and fun giveaways!!