Legoland Adventure

Spring break starts for so many families right about this time of year. Our family wanted and needed to take a vacation. BADLY! We wanted to go somewhere within driving distance, preferably near the ocean, and definitely not any place cold. Clearly the only choice is and was sunny Southern California. The next option was what theme park or entertainment would we arrange for the kids so they could lose their silly minds? We thought about the “traditional” theme park and were dissatisfied with the fact that the entire family would not be able to enjoy the fun.

Until I researched Legoland. Can I tell you that Legoland is THE best choice for kids ages two(2) to oh let’s say probably 13. I scouted the park out virtually through their interactive website and saw all the activities directed specifically for kids. Shows, rides, characters to take photos, play areas with splash pads (water play), playground areas for tots, and let us not forget the almighty roller coaster!

I think that was the best part of the park for myself, The Chad, and Grant was that we could all ride the coasters. He was tall enough to ride by himself and even if he wasn’t, as long as he had a friend or adult tall enough to ride they could go together allowing him to enjoy all the fun. How super cool is that idea? The twins were much the same as well for the rides. Because they are 36 inches tall they could ride a good majority of the rides, but some, and definitely not the coasters, they could ride with The Chad or myself. The first traditional fun ride that Grant went on with The Chad was Aqua Zone and it is THE very first ride you see when you head into Imagination Zone from the entrance.

I personally LOVED this ride because of the spectator involvement. On the platform that overlooks the ride you see six colorful posts with buttons. Little did I know those buttons control air cannons that spout off water in a high powered blast to the wave riders of Aqua Zone. So another mother and I were watching our boys and we decided to gang up on them and fire off as many cannons as fast as we could and as fast as they would recharge. Needless to say we soaked our families and a few others and I was laughing so hard my ribs hurt.

What we really enjoyed about the rides and the entire park is that Legoland reminded us of the biggest carnival that merged with a super cool theme park, minus all the ugly creepy carnies seen at a carnival.

Also do not think that Legoland is just for “boys” because this theme park is a hidden treasure for girls. After taking Grant on his very first roller coaster which was the Lego Technic, which was awesome as he cried in fear and The Chad had to calm him. AWESOME! We headed up the hill from The Imagination Zone into Castle Hill and I started to lose my mind with Sara as we saw princess dresses and face painting. Now this is NOT your typical face painting, imagine your entire face as a canvas of beautiful, girly, glittery color.

More coasters awaited as Grant and The Chad went on The Dragon coaster and I took the twins over to Explore Village and Playtown as they were getting fairly antsy to play themselves. We went on the Legoland Express…SEVERAL times, raced down the slides, played with the Duplo blocks and raced down the slides again. The two of them were having such a ball that I did not think that taking them on any more rides would top the fun they were having at Playtown. I could not stop snapping pictures of them playing with all the fun they were having. Because really this trip and the park is made for kids the same age as my kids. The age where everything is new and full of imagination. After about the 100th time on the Legoland Express and I noticed that the sky began to grow a bit darker we moseyed our way back to the entrance of the park where we enjoyed some quiet fun and relaxation.

Legoland has the Sea Life Aquarium attached to the park and can I tell you…AWESOME! The perfect way to end an exciting fun filled day of rides and running around is by walking through the dimly lit aquatic paths where you feel like you are actually swimming with the fish.

The aquarium is all indoor and truly amazing. The sea life is plentiful and many of the exhibits are right out of the California landscape and they are replicated in a way to mimic the movement of the tides and water at the shore and sea level. Truly fascinating. We wound our way around to a room where we were completely surrounded by fish! The kids were in awe. We were in awe. Again the experience was breathtaking and relaxing. We walked some more where we came upon an area that resembled what would look like an above ground tide pool and a wonderful gentleman who urged us to touch and play with the sea life. Well I could not resist the temptation and began my sea exploration of touching starfish, sea stars, sea cucumbers, which are the COOLEST to touch based on how they look. Grant, the chicken that he is, we coaxed (forced his hand really) into the water to touch and feel as well. Just a really neat experience and very educational.

Legoland in our “fishy” opinion is GRADE A the best for kids. The park is eco-friendly (lots of recycling), far from crowded, has a really great atmosphere, no waiting in lines, the staff is exceptionally easy breezy. Considering that our kids almost got us removed from the park. Just look at them…failing to follow the rules:

Yes all three of the kids…going head first down the slides. In fact Grant was chased by the staff for failing to sit on his behind while going on the Dune Raiders slide.

Way to go guys!

Needless to say if we lived in California we would definitely invest in the yearly membership for our kids to visit Legoland as often as possible. Now that we also know how much fun they had we will be sure to plan more trips and include Legoland in our fun. Thank you so much to the staff of Legoland for a wonderful experience.

*The Five Fish received complimentary media passes to Legoland which were a one day park hopper that included admission for four to Legoland and the Sea Life Aquarium.

10 Replies to “Legoland Adventure”

  1. That is so cool!
    I think any kid would love to go there, and it’s probably way less busy that Disneyland. Sounds like there’s something for everyone too. Thanks for the great review, we may just have to take our 3 kids there someday!!

  2. That is superb, my son adores star wars lego and continually annoying me about it – your posting has clarified a number of my thoughts. Time for much more exploring!

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