My Newest Love Affair

The new touch phones over the last year have been ALL the craze! The iPhone seemed to set the standard for touch technology but really…..I thought the iPhone as a bit of an over-glorified touch screen Blackberry. I had a Blackberry actually. I say HAD but I still have the phone…because this baby….yes THIS IS my new baby.

Yes ladies and gentlemen.
That beautiful piece of technology is my newest love affair. The Verizon Wireless Palm Pre Plus.

Now this phone is what my mother would tell me is “Fancy Schmancy” and she actually, did, say this, the day I got it. While I was on an adrenaline high to play with it I was a bit taken back. I felt uncomfortable, awkward at best using the device. I mean this is truly like a laptop in your purse or pocket or in your hand. I thought later as I as fumbling with it and figuring out all the fun features that the Palm Pre Plus is like my fabulous pair of Ralph Lauren pumps. I just needed to break in the feel, the gait, get used to the contour and after just a single wear, I look like I was born to wear this phone…err shoes.

What is truly fabulous about this phone thus far though is all the multi-tasking. You can have an app open and then minimize it on the phone itself and if you want…make a call. Tweet. (Of COURSE that was the first app I installed sillies) Best of all the organization, which is what we mom’s need, a bit more structure and organization to our chaotic life with kids.

But I am still figuring out all the features. Which can I tell you there are features GALORE. If you want to be organized this is the phone for you. I won’t say too much because I am still learning for myself so stay tuned as I share my journey with you all the features, fun, and capabilities of the Palm Pre Plus on behalf of Verizon Wireless.

*I was provided the Palm Pre Plus to review including one month of service and service upgrade to fully review all the features, capabilities, options, pros and cons of the phone. I already had service with Verizon Wireless in order to be eligible for this promotion.

9 Replies to “My Newest Love Affair”

  1. I have so wanted a Palm Phone but you know what we can't get them on US Cellular. All the touch phones I so want I just can't have. Sigh…

  2. Now THAT is my dream phone ~ I cannot wait until Verizon comes to Canada, we desperately need a new service. Can't wait to hear about The Phone!

  3. That. Is. Beautiful!

    My friend has this phone, or a similar one, and they are amazing!

    I have T-Mobile so this phone is not an option for me. But I am truly jealous! haha

  4. That looks like one Sweet phone! My sister's boyfriend has the same phone and he absolutely worships it. LOL

  5. That looks like a really cool phone. I broke down and got an iPhone finally so I won't be getting a new one soon though.

  6. Sweet!! I think that I am eligible for a new phone in November and I have been drooling over these touch phones. My Blackberry is very nice but not as nice as the Palm. I haven't even looked into what Sprint has but I have some time lol 🙂

  7. i just got a new blackberry, it still rated best for reliability, with my business i wasnt willing to take a chance, but this phone of yours really was calling my name, but alas, i ignored the still small voice.. LOL blackberry stinks for blogging..

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