Oriya Organics – Ultra Clean Superfood

Oriya Organics

The health and fitness industry is all the rage. People everywhere are taking control of their health and the first step is often in the foods we eat. Protein shakes, meal supplements and superfood supplements help to fill the gaps in our often busy lifestyles. Personally I am always on the go and packing fresh cooked chicken with my carbs and veggies can be a bit cumbersome. Carrying a lunch bag with me is not ideal when I am at the gym, grocery store or working.

oriya organics, oriya superfoodSo I was offered the opportunity to try Oriya Organics line of Superfood Medley’s; the Superfood Medley and the Superfood Protein Medley. Knowing nothing about the brand, the story or the product, I was eager to try a plant protein as I have heard so many good things about pea proteins on the digestive system and for athletes performance. Protein shakes have to taste good to me. I have tried just about every protein shake out there and believe me when I tell you that I am surprisd some still exist on the shelves. When the Oriya canisters arrived I checked out the details.

The packaging for Oriya Organics is bright and easy to read. I really loved the fact that the packaging indicated the short amount of ingredients: five. I validated their claim with the ingredient list and true to advertising, only five existed and none were additives. Score. As an athlete who eats an organic, clean diet, finding a protein shake that is not laden with thickeners, emulsifiers, additives, chemicals and artificial sweeteners plus tastes great is like finding a needle in a haystack. Having the opportunity to try Oriya, I was excited, especially seeing all the five ingredient goodness as well as the nutritional facts…so what is wrong with this product? Why is it not flying off the shelves?

Taste is Everything

I can tell you that the reason why it is not flying off the shelves is the singular marketing and advertising line on the package “has an earthy flavor.” You could hear a record screech in my head. Dammit. Earthy flavor huh? Last time I read that on a plant based protein it tasted like fresh, dusty grass clippings. Snagging my favorite flavor of almond milk I figured I had nothing to lose and I was anxious for a taste. Eight ounces of fluid and a scoop of the protein into my shaker it went.

After easy blending, the shake was ready for consumption. With hesitation I started to chug just to get through the “earthy flavor” but I was surprised at how amazing the flavor of the shake tasted. The most striking characteristic of the shake’s “earthy flavor” was the gritty texture, however knowing one of the ingredients is rice protein I put two and two together and the texture was no problem for my tastes. On a side note the Superfood Medley was amazing to add to my fruit smoothie and meatloaf recipe!

Behind the Brand

The founders brother was competing as a professional MMA (Mixed Martial Arts) fighter when the two began to experiment with nutritionally dense foods. They found that plant proteins were the most easily digested and incredibly bio-available. The real food ingredients have the power to heal, energize and revitalize. From pro-athletes to the everyday mom, Oriya offers a nutritional formula delivering ultra-clean, high performance ingredients to fuel their daily needs.

protein crisps, oriya protein

Protein Crisp Recipe

1 cup oats
3 cups rice cereal (I used Kashi protein puffs, its got great texture)
1 scoop Oriya Organics Protein
3/4 cup smooth, natural peanut butter
1/2 cup honey
(optional) 3 TBSP cocoa

Mix all the dry ingredients together lightly as the protein will try to settle at the bottom. Heat the peanut butter until melted and pourable. Keep warm and add honey to ensure both ingredients are well melted and mixed together and can easily pour. Pour peanut butter and honey into the bowl with the dry ingredients and mix until well blended and all rice crisps are covered.

Pour into greased 13X9 pan and press down until even. Once spread evenly across pan, place into freezer for 30 minutes to allow the crisps to set. Remove from freezer and let warm, cut into squares and enjoy!

Want to enjoy for yourself? Oriya is hosting a giveaway with The Five Fish to have the Superfood Medley package in your home.

a Rafflecopter giveaway

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4 Replies to “Oriya Organics – Ultra Clean Superfood”

  1. We use protein shakes mainly when we are skipping our breakfast meal. However, we are starting a healthier eating plan at the New Year so this would be a great addition to our menu. We are big fans of organic, and avoid GMO ingredients.

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