As a working mother I don’t have time to clip coupons. I have tried, and I cannot keep up with the growing time consumption of clipping coupons and comparing to the weekly grocery ads in order to save money on my grocery and or paper goods bill. So I was told about a great new way to save money without a whole lot of hassle, plus I can use my essential oils while eliminating toxic products from our home. Not only do I make my own bath soap, which is made from all organic vegan oils which is fantastic for my children’s delicate skin, but now I can make my own laundry soap with this great DIY laundry soap recipe.
One day I took some of my homemade soap to work to share with my boss. She is a wealth of information regarding canning and at home manufacturing of foods and goods. So when she mentioned that she made laundry soap where the cost is one-fifth of that of traditional laundry soap I jumped on board. Additionally she brought me in a sample of her soap and it smells wonderful! Just close your eyes and imagine the smell of fresh, washed linens. The cool, refreshing scent of clean clothes that we want smelling like that ALL the time. Well you can have that scent, without all the harsh chemicals, dyes, and perfumes. Now most soaps that are perfume and dye free can be harsh on your clothes and they still have a non-scent perfume. Do not be deceived by the marketing. These same detergents often leave your clothes feeling like cardboard and can be brutal on the fabric.
A vicious cycle begins as you resort to the use of fabric softener which does not even disclose the ingredients and it generally has the dye and or color of an Easter egg and can harm your clothes or even stain them. Resulting in additional washes, which means more wear and tear on your clothes and more water used and wasted.
Here is the simple laundry detergent recipe, easy on your budget, easy on your clothes:
- 1 bar Fels Naptha laundry soap and stain remover (finely grated with a zester)
- 1 cup Arm and Hammer Laundry Soda
- 1 cup 20 Mule Team Borax
- 3-8 drops of your favorite essential oils (I love Purification for laundry. This oil really helps to freshen my clothes and my washer.)
I love all these items because the ingredients are right on the packaging and you know what they are, no fancy verbiage and or synthetic chemicals. So mix all these items together and I packed mine neatly into a decorative glass jar. Now I am sure you are wondering how much to use. The answer will amaze you!
One Tablespoon
That’s it. No more, no less. Your clothes will come out smelling fresh and clean without the harsh chemicals. Your clothes will be more vibrant, less waxy feeling, and they will be free of all the chemicals, dyes, and fragrances associated with traditional laundry detergents. Not to mention the overall cost savings for your pocket book by avoiding the commercial detergent. This great DIY laundry soap recipe is made with ingredients that are easy to find in your local grocery store, hardware store and or from ingredients you probably have lying around your house and didn’t know. Just a touch of your favorite essential oils will also be just the touch of fragrance you want without the harsh alcohols, perfumes, dyes or toxins.
So laughing! I just made this my recipe is a tad different but I have been making 5 gals every other month or so. Last batch I added Lavender but was a wee bit disappointed because it didn’t really scent my laundry. I don’t want to add too much oil though either.
I will have to try this as soon as I get the borax.
I have to try this be fun to make your own soap
I would love to try this and a great idea using essential oils so you can have a scent that you like
Thanks for the recipe! I have tried something similar to this…I didn’t add essential oils, though. I will have to give this one a try.
I feel like my family spends a fortune on laundry detergent each month. I would love to start making this DIY Laundry soap. If it still cleans well and smells good, I see no issue with it! I think it would really save us some cash, which would give us some extra holiday cash to spend 😀 Thanks for sharing!
My daughter makes her own laundry soap. And she loves doing it.
My daughter makes her own laundry soap. She will not use anything else. Thank you for sharing.
I keep saying I want to try this and never get around to it. Maybe next year!
I want to try essential oils. This would be a good start.
Using only 1 Tablespoon is great. Ha, I gave up clipping coupons a long time ago. I love everything about essential oils and want to try this soap recipe.
I do a lot of laundry and spent to much money on products that dont work or irritate our skins.
I love that these oils can do so much. Thank you for sharing.
Im going to try this recipe to save money!
Thanks for sharing! Happy Holidays!
This is an amazing recipe! And so inexpensive to make! Laundry detergent is so costly now!