I got involved with A Day Made Better and Office Max by participating in the Girls Night Out on Twitter with Jyl Pattee of MomItForward. I have to say that was a great party! But on top of the Twitter party, I had the opportunity to go party for a teacher with Kelly Loubet. Have you met Kelly? If not, you should! She is a heck of a woman with a big heart, a fellow Arizonan, Phoenician, and blogger..ya herd! She is helping her daughter’s kindergarten teacher, who was nominated, to enjoy A Day Made Better!
On Saturday October 3rd Kelly held a soiree at Scrap Happy Sisters in Glendale so we could “scrap it up” in, what I have to say is the coolest scrapbooking store EVA eat some YUMMY Organic pizza from ZPizza, guzzle gallons of water and wine, and have a great time for a great cause! But don’t let me ruin the good time for you! Be sure to go Tweet up Kelly and read her story over at Whrrl!
Thanks so much Kelly, I had a great time at the party (and our super cool after-party at Applebees) and I am glad I could help be a part of your Adopt-A-Classroom and A Day Made Better with OfficeMax!
BIG THANKS to Office Max and Adopt-A-Classroom to help erase teacher funded classrooms!
Sounds like a good time for a great cause!
Such a great idea – I immediately went over to Mom It Forward (and almost forgot to comment on your post)
You are awesome. Just thought you should know 🙂