Love Your Body with Aurorae Yoga

With the new year came new resolutions and or goals to take better care of ourselves. Working out, eating right, and trying to find the balance of all of these positive goals and plans. One of my goals was to be more loving on my body with gentleness. As a full time CrossFit athlete and mom I beat myself up A LOT not only in the gym but at home. Our gym began to see the trend as well. Continue reading “Love Your Body with Aurorae Yoga”

Oriya Organics – Ultra Clean Superfood

oriya organics, #oriyaclean, plant proteins

Oriya Organics

The health and fitness industry is all the rage. People everywhere are taking control of their health and the first step is often in the foods we eat. Protein shakes, meal supplements and superfood supplements help to fill the gaps in our often busy lifestyles. Personally I am always on the go and packing fresh cooked chicken with my carbs and veggies can be a bit cumbersome. Carrying a lunch bag with me is not ideal when I am at the gym, grocery store or working. Continue reading “Oriya Organics – Ultra Clean Superfood”

Exercise App of the Year – Pokemon Go

Admittedly, I was that parent with the vehement opposition to installing Pokemon Go on my kids’ phone. I thought to myself, “Hell no! I do not want my kids roaming around like zombies staring at their phones. Bad enough we have adults glaring into their phones, now the kids!?” Until, like all my other thoughts and words, I ate those words. Caving to the kid pressures,  I allowed my teenage son to download the app to play this game. The decision was probably the best thing for The Chad, I, and our son. You see when G started playing, the kid got outside more. He started walking, and walking quite a bit. He would text me asking me for the conversion of kilometers to miles. The first day G played Pokemon Go, he walked over a mile and a half through our neighborhood. I was sold that Pokemon Go was the exercise app of the year. Continue reading “Exercise App of the Year – Pokemon Go”

Enough is Enough

For the last ten months of my life I have been completely disheveled: mentally, emotionally, and most days, quite literally, physically. A choice of my own making as I went on a personal overhaul of my health, physical appearance, mental capacity, and spiritual cognizance. Late last year I made an extreme decision to take ownership of my weight and weight loss. I decided I wanted to lose all of my baby weight from my twins (maybe some extra), transform my body and participate in a bodybuilding fitness competition. Knowing this decision was not light, the road would be long, hard and a challenge to say the very least, I accepted my personal call to action. Like anything else in my life, I was all in! No one could stop me. Yet, somewhere along the way I deviated from my original goal to transform my body. My waters muddied, my train running away from itself and this monster of a being began to emerge. Continue reading “Enough is Enough”

Scrubba Wash Bag

Scrubba Wash bag

Laundry is the bane to our existence. Having clean clothes can be a challenge when you have a busy life, are on the go or find yourself like our family, enjoying the great outdoors. Washing machines are not in the highest demand at the gym or the woods if you find yourself camping, however, situations present themselves where you need access to clean clothes and you don’t have access to a washer. The Scrubba Wash Bag is the most convenient and green solution for clean clothes on the go! Continue reading “Scrubba Wash Bag”

Where Does the Time Go

Time, loss of time, where did the time go

For the last few weeks finding time to write has been such a struggle. I have been on a tremendous journey since the first of January when I made a life changing decision about my health. My decision was not light and one that has been taxing into my personal time and has really challenged me with how I manage my professional and family time. In addition, my family suffered a great tragedy with the loss of my grandfather, my mother’s father. Needless to say I have been preoccupied and saddened that I cannot share my joy for writing about my family and sharing all the goodies of going toxin free. Amazing how we can fill our lives with so much busyness that we wonder where the time goes. Continue reading “Where Does the Time Go”

Aurorae Sport & Swim Towel

aurorae sport and swim towel

Living an active lifestyle is rather messy. A day at the gym and I am a hot mess. An afternoon by my pool is much the same, sweaty and drenched in water in some fashion. Hikes in the cooler mornings and temperatures can also result in being a bit disheveled. Using my clothes to soak up my events makes me a bit more uncomfortable, so I always take a towel. I am finding that my usual hand towels cannot stand up to the job. Continue reading “Aurorae Sport & Swim Towel”

Greens Plus Green Superfood for Total Body Nutrition

superfoods, organic superfoods, superfood powders, greensplus

In all our busyness we often resort to fast food or less than fulfilling food options. We lack the several servings of fruits and vegetables daily in our diet. Quite frankly for most of us this deficit shows as we are missing out on all the essential nutrients and proprietary building blocks our bodies need to thrive and remain healthy. Even vitamin supplementation is not enough to provide energy, reduce inflammation and support an overall state of well-being. Continue reading “Greens Plus Green Superfood for Total Body Nutrition”

How Low Testosterone Affected My Health

depression, anxiety, loneliness, low testosterone

Sitting at my desk at work I was flip flopping between hot flashes and cold spells. “I must be getting sick” as I rationalized my condition.  Heightened emotions also accompanied with rolling feelings of exhaustion, as I simply could not get out of bed anymore. I was even falling asleep shortly after dinner, so I rationalized that too, “Well maybe I am going to start my period.” Even though I just went through my cycle and I was not experiencing the traditional monster pimple that rears itself just before I start, I made that excuse as my personal self-diagnosis. For weeks these feelings continued. For months I rationalized what was wrong with me. Until I made the appointment with my doctor to really see what was going on with my health. Continue reading “How Low Testosterone Affected My Health”