CLA for flat belly

cla, belly fat loss, lean muscle, cla supplement

As someone who works out on a regimented basis I am always looking to ensure I am adding all the proper supplements to my diet and exercise routine. Working with weights and cardio exercise can take a toll if you are not eating and or sleeping properly. Not to mention our foods do not always have the adequate amount of nutrition we need for a fully rounded diet. So I like to supplement in my diet, such as a good fish oil and daily multivitamin. Continue reading “CLA for flat belly”

Oil Pulling

oil pulling, peppermint oil, essential oil, oral care, organic oral care

Oil pulling, an ancient Ayurvedic practice that many consumers are beginning to incorporate into their oral care routines, at the encouragement of their dentists. That’s because oil pulling can result in whiter teeth, better breath, cavity and gingivitis prevention, and less plaque build-up. Of course, it is still necessary to brush and floss teeth as well. Continue reading “Oil Pulling”

Show Your Hip Appeal – Fanny Pack

90s fanny pack

Fashion is always so entertaining to me; fashion ebbs and flows each year and seems to play off decades past. Couture revivals. One article of fashion that has been the “butt” of many jokes and just awful no matter who sports the accessory is the fanny pack. This back end accessory or worn like a kangaroo pouch was just so gauche. However the fanny pack got a face lift and is excellent for  women, or men, on the go. Meet Hip Appeal, no more lugging a bag, purse, or gaudy pouch with cumbersome zippers and clips as you fumble for your belongings. Continue reading “Show Your Hip Appeal – Fanny Pack”

Struggles with Body Image

#mombod, image issues, karie herring,

Today’s society is so image driven. We are hyperfocused on how we appear, how we are perceived, how others perceive us and how we perceive ourselves. A time not so long ago I struggled with these same obsessions, the engrossment in unhealthy thinking and self-deprecation. My struggles with body image were skewed; when I was thin I thought I was too fat, when I was heavy I thought I was the heaviest woman on earth. After many years, I have come to love myself, my body, all my flaws and imperfections. Continue reading “Struggles with Body Image”

Hands Free Fitness iPhone Armband

Sweaty machines and unknown treadmill neighbors are a gym rat’s worst nightmare. During and after my workout I struggle leaving my phone on and around equipment as I am unable to access in an easy or smegma free fashion. I am always terrified that I am either going to drop my phone or when I walk away, to retrieve the anti-bacterial wipes, that I will forget my phone and someone swipes it. Continue reading “Hands Free Fitness iPhone Armband”

Mens and Womens Health Fitness Products

Holiday’s wreak havoc on our diets. Starting with Halloween and moving forward into Thanksgiving and then Christmas we have so little reprieve from the temptations and struggles to maintain our health. We do not have to let the hustle and bustle of the holidays get in the way of our workout routines and our healthy eating habits. But if they do and you cannot get to the gym or in our current economy the gym isn’t a feasible option, workout equipment has evolved where we no longer have to spend hundreds or thousands of dollars on quality workout equipment.

You can bring the gym home to you with fitness devices that exercise all your muscle groups anywhere, anytime, and any place. Take the equipment with you and it is travel friendly and easy to pack and carry with you.

EB Sport Group is proud to present from Men’s and Women’s Health. Men’s Health offers Triceps Crunch that is customizable to work your triceps, your core, and strengthen your upper body. All you need is a door and your motivation. Ladies don’t fear, this is a great workout to get rid of those “old lady” arms we are so terrified of getting. Women’s Health offers the Quick Adjust Resistance Bands with patented Turn-Key Technology adjusts from zero to five feet in seconds with any resistance, with padded handles for flex and comfort. Each of these amazing workout devices comes with walk through exercise instructions and DVD.

These fabulous products offer the ease of gym right in your own home so you have no excuse not to workout, and these workouts strengthen your entire body without the bulk of weights or the cost of a monthly gym membership. And now you can have the opportunity to win them for use in your home this holiday season and for years to come. Here are the details to win your resistance bands and tri-cep curls:

  • Leave me a comment about what you dislike about gym’s and what you like most about a home gym.
  • Follow my blog
  • Subscribe to my reader (worth 2 entries)
  • Follow me on Twitter
  • Tweet this giveaway daily: Better your health this holiday season win a Men’s/Women’s Health Home Gym from @KariewithaK –
  • Like The Fish on Facebook (worth 5 entries, 2 if you are already Like us and still Like us)
  • Promote this giveaway on Facebook (worth 2 entries)
  • Blog about this giveaway
  • Comment on a non-giveaway post (worth 2 entries)

Contest end November 23rd @ Midnight AZ time

As always: No Purchase Necessary, available to US and Canada residents. One entry per household. US postcard entries also acceptable if you do not have access to the above entry options, no limit to postcard entries as long as all are received before the close of the contest, email for your postcard entry details or to use email as your postcard entrance as these entries will be logged by the administrator of the blog. Winners will be chosen by “And the Winner is” Failure to adhere to the aforementioned rules set forth by this contest will result in forfeiture of your entry with no notice. Facebook does not promote, endorse, nor sponsor this review and giveaway and will be held harmless. As always, good luck and enjoy. My opinions herein are my own and are no way influenced by the receipt of a free product, they are an honest reflection of myself and my review of the integrity of the product.

Working It with Kettle Worx

Kettle Bell, Kettle Worx, Fitness

Weight loss and getting fit is a lot of hard work. The media sells “fit” and “thin” so well that they do not tell you that these celebrity types and socialite women really have NO RESTRICTIONS when considering their time to workout. They probably also are not on a budget to save money and make every dollar stretch either when considering the price of a gym membership and grocery bills. My point is that you can eat healthy and get fit and in shape on a budget!

Last year I began my weight loss journey. I was HEAVY. HEAVY I say. Twins, breastfeeding twins, and the lack of time for myself with infants resulted in excessive eating to maintain energy for caring for twin infants, a five year old, breastfeeding and tending to a husband and home. Sounds like a workout right? One might think. At one point when the twins were roughly 10 months old and we were on a short stint to visit family I hastily put myself on the scale. I felt good and thought I looked good…until the number slapped me in the face.

I was a hefty 215 pounds. For my build this was killing my body. Killing my knees. Heavy on my heart, kidneys, you name it! I was a size 16 in this photo. I thought I looked okay until I saw this photo in a frame, as a gift for Christmas. Seeing that photo made me extremely upset that I had let myself go so badly. So I decided to make a change starting in 2009.

My eating habits were reined in! Scrambled egg whites, turkey bacon, English muffin with flax oil instead of butter for breakfast. Smoked turkey, low fat cheese, tomatoes, and almonds for lunch, gallons of water, dinner was grilled chicken with greens and a light carb item. I also kicked the worst habit of all. SODA! Drinking almost a 6-pack a day to maintain energy, or so I thought I was maintaining energy.

In one month from eating right, kicking soda pop, I lost 20 pounds. But that was not enough. I began light cardio of walking for 30 minutes, which about killed me being that heavy. I pumped the cardio up to 30 minutes of power walking, and then a jog, and reached a point where I would alternate with a power walk and sprint to beef up my heart rate and help burn fat. I lost a few more pounds. So I ramped it up with some strength training. By the end of the year in 2009 I weighed it at 170 pounds, a size 8/10, 10/12 (depending on the cut and designer) and I had lost INCHES as well as added years to my life.

But I was not, nor am I done yet!

Ringing in 2010 I knew that I wanted my 30s to feel even stronger than I do now and I wanted my body to be back to her prehistoric self (before children). While a lofty goal I know I can do it. I needed a fitness program to help me reach that goal and a program that I would not be frustrated or bored with, and I found Kettle Worx.

I LOVE my Kettle Worx program! Kettle Bell, Kettle Worx, Fitness

What I found with any workout program is that they do not tell you where to begin, what tools you need (weights, bands, pull up bars, etc), and which discs to do during the session. Kettle Worx is the all-in-one with the tools, the start-up discs that tell you what workouts and what discs to watch when and for how long. No longer are you left guessing what to do or winging it and becoming frustrated.

I also thought, no way would this program work. HA! Did I so eat those words.

After the very first workout, I woke up the next morning a tad stiff and by the end of the day my muscles were screaming at me. I could feel the difference. That workout was JUST the cardio DVD, so imagine how I felt after the core DVD program. After ONE WEEK, I could see a noticeable difference in my mid-section, my arms, and my butt.

Moms if you are looking for a program that is easy, comes with all the tools and parts you need for success, including telling you which DVD’s to watch in which order, this is your program! The price is affordable too which is under $100 for the Kettle Bell, DVD’s and nutrition program, so what you would pay for a 3 month gym membership, or a SINGLE training session with a personal trainer, is in a lifetime program you can use and WORKS! I am also going to show you my progress and body transformation in the coming weeks with Kettle Worx.