Fresh Produce – Lifestyle Clothing

As a mother of three and business woman I try to find clothing that is fashion forward, comfortable, choice materials that are sturdy, and feel good. My wardrobe is rather diverse in that matter due to the various positions I hold personally and professionally. Some days I carry a full business garb due to my position with my employer, other days I am jeans and a tee for running errands, and finally some days I just want good, clean, comfortable clothes for playing with the kids at the park.

What I found is that finding comfortable clothing with substance, willing to move and flow with me while I run around with the kids is hard to find, until now. I have had the opportunity to wear, run, lounge, play, and live in some truly comfortable clothing built for my lifestyle. Fresh Produce clothing is lifestyle clothing constructed for women who like to live a beach lifestyle. Flowing, comfortable, fresh, clean clothes that are fashionable, colorful, easy to care for, maintain, and put together.

Fresh Produce is a “Made in the USA.” Founded by Thom and Mary Ellen Vernon and spawned by the revenue generating event of the 1984 Olympics where the dynamic couple birthed their concept of bright, colorful clothing and fashionable jewelry to those visiting the Los Angeles area for the summer Olympics. For more than 20 years the

Fresh Produce, clothing, lifestyle clothing, beachwear

Vernon’s have been clothing women, men and families with their bright, crisp, trendy apparel to spread the infectious feeling of the beach lifestyle.

The folks at Fresh Produce put together an outfit for me that fit me perfectly as well as my lifestyle. I received one of their infamous screen printed tees in black and a pair of safari Capri’s. Fresh Produce tees are soft comfortable, and the outfit is one of my favorite to wear on the weekends.

I can just jump out of the shower, do my hair and put together my outfit in a short amount of time. Throw on a pair of Chuck Taylor’s and I’m off to play in the grass and sand at the park with my kids on these cool fall days in Arizona. Moreover I can keep my same outfit on while I run over to Costco and grab the few things my family needs.

Even still I can swap around the outfit to wear the tee with a pair of jeans or just the Capri pants alone with a tank and pair of flip flops. That is the fantastic, beautiful, and versatile wonder that makes Fresh Produce clothing a fitting for your lifestyle no matter where you live. You don’t have to live at the beach to have a beach attitude and lifestyle.

Bailouts and Entitlements

Writing for me lately has been like a lump of coal waiting to evolve into a highly compressed, precious gem ready to burst into life.

Work and the nightly battle with the kids have but drained my creative juices. People I know devoid me of inspiration because like I have always said, my life is not my blog.

The waged war of gnomes is the fact they are adjusting to their new found selves and of course the adjustment of mommy working. Although their self exploration has been highly entertaining and tear jerking all at once. To watch two little people at the exact same time grow up, figure themselves out, learn their language and begin to communicate is astounding.

But at the end of the day with work, reading how SO many people want a bailout and then logging online to see others there wanting the same thing and having a feeling of entitlement, I would rather hit delete and of course delve into a steamy, teen romance for a diversion. Because I am proud and adult enough to say that I love me some Twilight.

I have to wonder where people, businesses, and individuals feel this sense of entitlement? Where do they get off thinking the world owes THEM? How do they convince themselves and others of their delusional outlook, to convince that they are entitled to something they never worked towards? How does one go about thinking they are completely untouchable? How they are entitled more than others?

Maybe I am ranting but I was raised to work HARD. By work hard, I mean busting your ass; truthfully, nobly, and painstakingly working hard to get where you are at in life. I am raising my children that if you stumble and fall, you learn to pick yourself up. No one else helps you, you learn to help yourself above all else. A tough lesson as a parent to teach, because we want nothing more than to give our children what we did not have. We do not want to see them in pain, struggling, or watch them give up.

I beg the question of why those of Gen Y and even some Baby Boomers who feel their are entitled? What happened that they feel like just because they show up that they are given a free ride. The same can be said for those who fall into certain criterion who are awarded “assistance” because of financial situation, ethnic background, so on and so forth.

I guess I am lost and as a parent what do we do to help raise our children to be proud to work hard and not feel like they are entitled just because. I cannot recall anyone that may be entitled to anything, not even “certain inalienable” rights. As a parent, adult, person, do you know or are you familiar with the bailout and entitlement types? What values are you teaching your children?

Save more Food with Rubbermaid Modular Canisters

Need I rant and rave and roll on about how much I love Rubbermaid? Why Yes. Yes I will. I am a neat freak when my home comes to organization. Color coding, neatly stacking, arranging, everything has a place and it is neatly put away.

I need this much organization because as a busy working mom of twins plus one I need my life to be as simple and easy as possible and Rubbermaid helps make that happen with all of their options for organizing life.

Recently Rubbermaid sent me Modular Canisters, part of their Bulk Food Storage Container line, to review and I sat on them for a few days until I had an opportunity to figure out exactly what I wanted to put in them.

But Rubbermaid doesn’t leave you to organize of your own devices, they include a great organizational sheet to inspire plenty of ideas for what to organize and or how.

So I took the sheet and sat in my pantry, grabbed my spaghetti pasta and beautifully organized it into the 21 cup container, then I took my rigatoni and other miscellaneous shell pastas and put those in another container. Then I was left with two containers and I am not quite sure what to put in them. So there they sit…in my pantry…waiting to be filled.

I have candies and granola and lots of other items and I am just not sure what to put in there.

So I want you to tell me what you would put in the 8-piece modular canisters? What would you put inside them or use them for in your home. Tell me and you can win a Rubbermaid 8-pc. Modular Canister set for your home.

Add Motherhood to Your Resume

working moms, professional moms, wahm momCrazy as the notion may sound, you can add motherhood to your resume. Two words that may not consider to go together, motherhood, resume; yet mothers have some wonderful skills to be marketed. No, I am not going to pitch you and say how you can really add the title. However, I think mothers often taken for granted their abilities to truly manage some truly exceptional professional positions for free while being a stay at home parent. Continue reading “Add Motherhood to Your Resume”

The Bittersweet Return

Glowing, raving, is how my demeanor has been described in relation to my job. I truly love and enjoy my job. As I have bragged, I am SUPER excited to be on the brink of a phenomenal program to hopefully rebuild America’s economy and move forward in our recovery and to help save American’s dream of homeownership as they are at risk.

But with everything in life a price must be paid. Nothing in life is free. Not even the happiness and the opportunity to return to work to yield additional incomes for our family that will be used to ease the pain of the loss of income from The Chad due to the economy. I wish that were an excuse but his industry is DIRECTLY related to the economy; as is mine but in a different fashion.

Today I had the opportunity to pick up the twins from daycare. Excited and scared and uncertainty is what I felt as I jumped in my Dodge Grand Caravan SXT, my former daily driver loaded with all my favorite creature features like leather and satellite, to go pick up my babies. The last week The Chad has been a champ and been the responsible party to take all the kids to pre-school and kindergarten each day. He is wonderful, I love him for doing this as I have a schedule that is not conducive to the kids school schedules which allow me to take them.

*sigh. But the first day we dropped them off was absolutely painful.

I fought back tears. A text message from my mom to wish me a good day as my first day distracted me from the pain, the heartache, the feeling of loss as I left my children with virtual strangers. Every cell in my body was fighting and screaming and kicking just like my twins to return to pick them up from the strange environment. To save them from the styrofoam cup using, not organic, melting pot of germs, and rush them home to be in my arms, playing endlessly and making loads of messes that I would complain about cleaning multiple times.

My complaints seemed petty.


I miss my babes. Today I realized how bittersweet the event is that they wave goodbye each and every morning, my hopes that they have a good day. I hope for a pleasant assimilation for them as they adapt to their new surroundings; I pray they are okay, that they are getting plenty of hugs and kisses, I over compensate and smother them as much as I can when I get home. Looking at my phone every hour to see if I have any new text or call about their status, that a chance may arise that they become ill requiring I leave early or spend a day out of work to be with them again.

Nay sayers may call me a bad mother for returning to work. A choice I made for financial reasons. While we could live without the additional income, I feel that in order to help provide for my family our decision was wise. I also feel that I am OVERLY passionate about the work I am doing and if only for a short time just to help improve our financial situation I think the benefits will outweigh my current fears, my heartache, the missing of my children.

But I know that this time is short, that the experience will be beneficial as they socialize withLegoland other children, other people, they will be exposed to an environment that provides benefit to them in their growth. No one says I have to like it, and I cherish every laugh, smile, hug, kiss, whine, and moment I have with them and had with them when I was blessed to experience the joy of pregnancy with multiples. As well as the joy and struggles of learning to be a mom of multiples at home with them.

Yet another chapter, as I am now a working mother of multiples, cherishing the beautiful moments of family each and every night and day.

All for One and Public Health for All

Over a year has passed now that our family has had a lack in full time health care coverage. No biggie right? For some yes, for us, we are getting by. I am blessed each and every day that my children are happy “little fuckers” as my son would say and that we are not cursed by tragedy. Knocking on wood.

Last year in February was the last time the twins saw a doctor for their well child check ups. They would have seen a doc last summer had I not called the insurance company to find out whether we needed pre-authorization for Chad’s vasectomy only to find that our policy termed (cancelled by his employer) just two weeks prior.

Spank you. Spank you very much.

So I freaked out. Like any undiagnosed OCD control freak would do, I stewed. I Google’d. I stewed some more. Then I went to the Arizona DES site to look to see if by some far and I do mean FAR FUCKING fetched idea that we would qualify for discounted healthcare coverage. Because as you may or may not know we were railroaded right up the arse, with no lube, on a private care option to which they told us “No Spank you” because I have fake tata’s and The Chad had high blood pressure ONE day that he went to the doctor. BUT, that is a whole rant that I have posted about.

Anyway, where was I? Oh yes, to see if I qualify like all the other free loaders of the nation (right Left Wing whackadoodles!?). Sad, I do not. So what is a family to do with children who need immunizations since we so choose not to have our children infected with nasty illnesses which can cause irreparable damage or death. Stepping down from the box. What are we to do? Other than go a full year with no recent immunizations and all of the sudden remember that in order for the kids to attend preschool, they need UPDATED immunization records.

I conferred with my friend Google again and he sent me to a community site driven for people like me. And people like you. And all people.

I was so happy to see that a day (several actually) existed for a FREE clinic to take my children to so they may receive updated immunizations and vaccinations. WAHOO. Because really I am not going to pay some pompous ass physician who will charge me $80 per child just to walk in the fucking door and then charge me for the vaccinations on top of that which they charge $68 each. GET THE HELL OUT OF TOWN. Free is for me.

So I took my perky blond self and toted the twins to my old stomping ground in Chandler where I drove around my old neighborhood, reminisced, and thought…man…I am so glad we moved out of what is now the ghetto. Anyway, I arrived at the clinic and went in, to what appeared to be a ghost town and was greeted by a lovely woman who was ever so kind. She informed me of the pertinent information and that the vaccinations were available at two that afternoon.

A bit peeved that I drove ALL THE WAY down to the ghetto, but thankful nonetheless for community services. I was then greeted by another woman who then reiterated what the other woman just told me…again…ever so kind.

Until I saw that bitch later that afternoon.

I show up at two that afternoon with two cranky, over shopped, sleep lacking twins into a clinic that was now standing room only. Woman #2 who was kind earlier…now can suck a donkey ear. She looked at me, might as well have been smacking gum in her pie hole as we exchange words:

Her: “Can I help you?” (Tone clearly reeks of what the fuck do you want free loader)

Me: “I was here this morning about the vaccinations?” (are you really THAT busy that you cannot recall me from just FOUR hours ago)

Her: Huff “Fill these out. Bring them to ME. Fill in these bands, put them on the kids, make sure it has their date of birth….have a seat.”

Me: grabs load of papers and looks aimlessly for a pen as I try to recall whether I have stuffed any in my bag. I look over at  a table that has a couple for another health thingy and ask if I can borrow to which I receive this reply.

Her: “HERE….here is a pen.”

Me: “Thank you.”

I survey the what looks to be a small community room that they have converted into a make shift clinic for an ample area to rest my arse and my dynamically grouchy duo. I look around to see only a single chair open and think, um no…cannot corral nor wrangle gnomes with a single chair in the middle of cattle. So I opt for the cozy square on the linoleum floor where I squat Indian style with a gnome on each knee. Then SHE starts in again.

Her: “There is an EMPTY CHAIR up there. You can sit in it.”

Me: looking at her like she is a complete idjut…oh wait…she is…”Apparently the chair is taken and the floor will suffice for now. Thank you.”

Her: “Well…don’t trip anyone or let them trip on you.”


Seriously? Okay lady, yes my goal here as the ONLY BLOND in a red shirt in a room full of people will make every effort to trip people as I sit off in a CORNER! The nerve. Really? “don’t trip anyone?” You know me…master tripper. Shit I never tripped on anything but my own feet, let alone trip anyone else. Bitch.

I stew, filling out paperwork, entertaining gnomes and then return the clipboard, paperwork, and pen to HER. She snags the pen as if I were to steal it…which I should have to prove a fucking point, thank her kindly for using it and then she never makes eye contact. Only speaks to me as if I were a third rate human being, to sit and wait until my name is called shortly.

So I sat. FOR. TWO. HOURS.

Until  finally the sharp looking men in casual attire, shorts, t-shirts, and winning smiles called me into the locked room. Sounds frisky right? Nah, just your local firemen doing their community service, serving the public, like me, to insure adequate and up to date vaccinations. I could really get raunchy and say they tag teamed me…but they did in a fashion with needles into my children’s little arms. I even started to cry. I hate seeing them in pain.

But I left thinking I should have captured the moment in the waiting room on my phone. A Hodge-podge of people, some clearly needy, others in my predicament of tight budgets and no health insurance, and others who I wondered what they were doing with their Coach handbags, kids wearing $110 Nike Dunks, texting from the apparently NEWEST of new smart-phones. Granted I could be considered the same…you know with my Goodwill bought cords, a t-shirt that says VIVA Elvis on it that The Chad bought for me while he was in Memphis, my favorite Jambu shoes, and my Palm Pre Plus. All of which cost me $30 plus whatever the feds charge me on this years coming taxes.

But still. I am always curious about people’s stories of life, how we all end up in the same room with the same needs at the same time. Especially since we are all there for our children. Are our paths the same? Was I viewed as a free-loader? What is really sad, is that we look at people who are in rough times and reach out for these services during these rough times because that is what they were created for, and we call them free loaders. Well what the hell else other than the federal deficit do my taxes go for?

I am ever so grateful today for the Chandler CARE Center, the staff (even if they were less than desirable in their customer service skills), the nursing staff from Chandler Regional Hospitals, the firefighters, and the volunteers. Without your dedication, my children would not be vaccinated nor would the eight children before and the many after mine. Thank you.

Verizon Wireless Palm Pre Plus

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon Wireless, Palm, Palm Pre, Karie Herring, mommy blogger,

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon Wireless, Palm, Palm Pre, Karie Herring, mommy blogger, thefivefish.comFor the last several weeks I have shared the options, features, and capabilities of the Palm Pre Plus from Verizon Wireless and how much I have enjoyed the multi-functional use of the phone. I began to compare the phone to the ever popular iPhone as my husband is looking to upgrade and we wanted to be able to compare side-by-side the iPhone to the Palm Pre Plus. We did the comparison because of the options, pros and cons each of the phones carries and as a consumer, you always want to have educated decisions based on available information.


Our comparison started first and foremost with service. I am with Verizon and he is with AT&T. Need I say more. All joking aside, we did compare service coverage and while AT&T boasts a “nationwide network,” we felt their coverage is spotty at best. The Chad can be outside in his office and have a terrible signal and reception, whereas I can be in the latrine, by the pool, in the car, and never lose service with Verizon. Service was also compared when we made  a road trip to California. On Interstate 10, 85, and 8 I had complete service, except for a brief moment when we passed the Federal prison. Whereas his service was cutting in and out as he was making business calls from the road, resulting in dropped calls, returned calls, or resorting to text only. The final result is that Verizon Wireless has a superior coverage area and the drop rate is nil.

Calling Plans

Side-by-side the calling plans between AT&T and Verizon are comparable. Each offering a 10 person calling plan (the 10 most dialed people in your network or out of network), data plans, unlimited calling plans, minutes and unlimited text, so on and so forth. Pricing is obviously comparable and variable based on the level of service (minutes desired), phone, etcetera, but again comparable. The calling plans will differ based on the phone options and here is where: AT&T offers mobile WiFi for laptops (only) with a WiFi data connect card, Verizon Wireless offers mobile WiFi with a data connect card, but Verizon Wireless offers the “Mobile Hot-spot” function with the Palm Pre Plus (for the same fee as a data connect card) thus eliminating the need for the card for WiFi anywhere, in theory you just need the phone. While the iPhone does offer a “router” of sorts for WiFi connectivity on the phone to your computer, the phone itself is NOT mobile WiFi, where the Palm Pre Plus is a true WiFi hotspot anywhere.

Capabilities, Functions, Creature Features

Now this is where the Palm Pre Plus is dead even, if not surpassed by the iPhone. CurrentlyPalm Pre Plus, Verizon WirelessPalm offers a 16GB phone where Apple offers a  8GB, 16GB, and 32 GB. The amount of applications available is hundreds of THOUSANDS for Apple, where Palm has only a few thousand. While still offering a vast amount, the iPhone is far superior. The touch screen for each phone is also fairly comparable, however, whereas the iPhone offers the landscape touch keyboard, the Palm offers a true slide out Qwerty keyboard to handle true style typing, where the touch keyboard may be cumbersome and annoying on the iPhone. Multi-tasking is another upgrade for the iPhone that is comparable to the Palm Pre Plus. The 3G networks are offering so many options with the ability to handle a call, read an email from said caller, toggle between the two tasks and open another if need be, a true smartphone. However, while the iPhone and Palm Pre Plus are neck and neck in options, the brass tax is the operating systems.

A vast majority of smartphone users have been accustomed to Microsoft based operating systems due to their personal computer operating systems, which are largely Microsoft based. When deciding on a phone, one might consider that differences encountered with the iPhone and Apple based operating system as opposed to the Palm Pre Plus and the ever user friendly Microsoft based operating system.

Music. Music is another factor as the iPhone also doubles as an iPod to play music. Have no fear…the Palm Pre Plus is designed and programmed to sync with iTunes so you can download your favorite music, videos, pictures and more. Windows Media Player is also installed on the Palm Pre Plus for those who prefer the Windows based player.


My personal feeling is I LOVE, yes I LOVE my Palm Pre Plus. I have been with Verizon Wireless for over five years,  I have yet to drop a call due to lack of service area, I have yet to have a problem with customer service (I have had faulty phones, I walk into the store, I am helped in less than 30 minutes, problem resolved, no money out of my pocket, no hassles), and my calling plan price is fixed. I am not worried about hidden fees, extra charges, or hiccups. If I were faced with the option to choose a new plan with AT&T and or choose Verizon, my choice is clear, as was my choice in phone. I could not be happier with the ease of use, the multi-tasking abilities, fun, the clarity of the screen, video, and pictures of the Palm Pre Plus. The Palm Pre Plus from Verizon Wireless is definitely mom (and Dad if you ask my husband) approved!

To see how easy the Palm Pre Plus is to use you can check out my quick YouTube video on how easy the Palm Pre Plus is to navigate.

Thank you Verizon Wireless for the opportunity to review your newest phone.

The Phone is Secondary Palm Pre Plus

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon Wireless, Palm, Palm Pre, Karie Herring, mommy blogger,

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon Wireless, Palm, Palm Pre, Karie Herring, mommy blogger, thefivefish.comLet the title speak for itself. The Verizon Wireless Palm Pre Plus is a phone. Hard to believe considering all the capabilities, functions, and amazing wonders this handheld device has to offer.

Talking about the phone with my husband he mentioned how speaking on the phone is truly a secondary operation of the Palm Pre Plus. I have to agree with him. Most of my conversations are done via email, Twitter, Google Talk, text, and Facebook. I can keep up with my family, send quick messages about plans we are making and Google Talk my husband from the car that I need help with the groceries.

Speaking on the phone is difficult. Not the act of speaking itself, but the microphone acts as a megaphone for the person on the other end of the line. One feature that Palm was very superb in creating is a microphone that is very sensitive and responsive. My child can cry from down the hall and when I am on the phone with an automated attendant listening to my options from the prompts, that when my toddler yelps I am directed to some department and line I did NOT choose.

While some phones report complaints of a poor microphone, the Palm Pre Plus is FAR from complaints in poor reception. I bet a spider could fart and the phone could catch it. I kid, I kid. Noise reduction could be an upgrade option for the second generation Palm Pre. However, I firmly believe that verbal conversations are almost null and void on the phone because of the multi-functional, communicative options. An easy to use option exists for a touch screen dial-pad making dialing, phone calls, and connecting simple. But something is truly insatiable about connecting on so many levels through various facets.

As I mentioned I can instant message my husband at any time on Google Talk or text, I can message my sister on text or on Facebook, and I can quickly and swiftly respond to a recent email about my Whrrl posting. With all the options to stay in touch electronically, and considering that many of our schedules are pressed for time, who really has time to talk on the phone anyway?

*I received the phone from Verizon Wireless as part of their campaign to promote the Palm Pre Plus. In no way was my opinion of the phone swayed in exchange for this review. My opinion is honest and mine alone, free of influence.

Palm Pre Plus Review

Palm Pre Plus, Palm Pre Plus Review, Karie Herring,, verizon

Maybe you have seen all the UBER (yes, I said UBER) promotions for the Palm Pre Plus? I hadPalm Pre Plus, Palm Pre Plus Review, Karie Herring,, verizon actually only heard of the Palm Pre before I actually received¹ my phone. Completely unaware of all the capabilities, functionality, fun, and the sheer ease of use with the Palm Pre Plus.

First and foremost the Palm Pre Plus is a smart phone. For those of you who are really unsure of what a “smart phone” may be (because really I had no idea until I bought a smart phone); a smart phone is a mobile phone with PC like operating capabilities. In a nut shell your phone is a pocket laptop.

Now as  a smart phone, or pocket PC owner, the first thing to be done other than allowing the battery to completely die and begin charging, is to check for updates.  While I should have known to update my phone and the OS installed on the phone, I made the “assumption” that the phone was current and up to date. I mean why roll out a BRAND NEW phone that you have to install updates to right? (*cough Microsoft) I found my phone needed an update thanks to Twitter. A quick conversation using my #verizonpalmpreplus hash-tag and VOILA! An angel of my friends swoops in to tell me to update my operating system to receive the newest capabilities.

Secondly your phone will have a set amount of storage, memory, etc. Be sure to check your total gig (if any) of storage to determine if your phone will have the capability to handle document storage, pictures, videos, the multiple functions you carry out on your phone. The Palm Pre Plus is a 16GB phone even with the installation of the operating system. The amount of storage allows me to take plenty of pictures, save documents (including PDF’s), and archive my email in the event I want ALL of my email saved to my phone.

Third, be sure that your phone is compatible with your PC or the PC you will be using to back up your information. Since many of us are on the go, we conduct a great deal of business, personal, and miscellaneous transactions on our phones. I personally have all my emails synced on my phone, my calendars, not to mention pictures and fun videos of my kids. Most phones do come with an installation disc for your PC while others simply require that drivers be downloaded from the manufacturer’s website. In the case of the Palm Pre Plus, I downloaded drivers and saved my photos, ring-tones, and videos in the unfortunate event my phone becomes inoperable. In addition to backing up your vital information, you can update and sync all your calendars together with Outlook, Google, Facebook and more!

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon WirelessWith your smart phone being a PC in your pocket, you want your phone to multi-task. I found with my Blackberry this was nearly IMPOSSIBLE! One. Thing. At. A. Time. Which is fine if I was not on the go, dealing with the kids, making dinner and trying to Tweet. Basically, this scenario was never fine!

The Palm Pre Plus allows for the multitasking like a PC. For example, I was talking with my mother the other day on the phone. We were discussing the Celtic Woman concert I am taking her to for Mother’s Day. While speaking with her I was able to minimize the touch screen dial pad on the phone, open my calendar and tell her exactly what time and the day the concert was held. Whereas if I were on my Blackberry I would have had to tell her I would call her back with the details.

The Palm Pre Plus from Verizon is very simple to use. No thick books or manuals to walk you through the functions. Much like a PC with a user friendly layout, operating system, and superior HELP capabilities the Palm Pre Plus is a great choice for any mom or adult on the go who needs multitasking capabilities.

¹ I received a Palm Pre Plus on behalf of Verizon Wireless as part of their campaign to promote the Palm Pre Plus. In no way was my opinion or view of the phone swayed by this factor, my opinion is purely informational as an opinion from a consumer and should be considered as such.

Palm Pre Touch

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon Wireless

Since the creation of the iPhone touch screen technology is EVERYWHERE. I had a second generation touch phone from Samsung and when I first got the phone I was thrilled, the touch was so exciting. But then the touch became an issue for me, I could not stand to use the phone. At times when I would be talking on the phone and I would rest on my shoulder the touch would have a life of it’s own. At my earliest opportunity I found a way to get a new phone, so I ran toward a Blackberry for the fact it was NOT a touch and has all the capabilities I needed as a busy woman and mom of three.

Palm Pre Plus, Verizon WirelessBut then I was introduced to the Palm Pre Plus from Verizon Wireless. I do admit I was very leery and hesitant of the phone because it is a touch. I told myself I would not get attached to the phone, I would not like the phone, I would avoid falling in love with the phone. Admittedly I lied to myself.

The touch of the Palm Pre Plus is very precise. Upon touching the screen, the touch response graphics resembles a water drop into a pond. No miss touches, no slips, no mistakes for the touch option. In the event you touch the screen to touch an application or option and you do not touch it dead center the correct application you are looking to operate in the PalmOS will open or nothing will happen. Now the “nothing will happen” is a HUGE plus to me.

I had a touch phone previously that when I touched the screen and it was not precise, it would just decide “Oh hey let’s open this application or option.” Which generally meant NOT the option or application I chose. I enjoy and completely appreciate the fact that Palm allows for a certain level of human error.

Furthermore the touch scroll is controllable. Again the problem with “traditional” touch is when scrolling, the screen would either creep at a snails pace or the screen would scroll so fast and out of hand you would have to creep at a snails pace to reach your destination. The Palm Pre Plus scrolls easily and in the event if the screen is scrolling a bit too fast you can grab it and slow it down allowing the user to find their destination and what they need.

What else is great about the Palm Pre Plus is that the screen goes into a sleep mode when speaking on the phone so that the user does not accidentally touch the screen and options sending the phone into an operating tizzy. The screen also reappears upon movement if removing phone from ear to allow for hangup or dial pad use. However, the screen does go right back into sleep mode again in the event the user is not finished with the call.

If you were like me and have lost faith in the touch screen; have a little faith in the Palm Pre Plus with the responsive, error buffer, and ease of use for operation.